Institute at Columbia University Sues Trump for Blocking Critics on Twitter

This is so dumb. We have to stop taking these people seriously, just point and laugh at them.

Campus Reform reports:

Columbia institute sues Trump for blocking critics on TwitterThe Columbia University Knight Institute, a First Amendment advocacy organization, has sued the Trump administration for blocking his critics on Twitter.The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, alleges that since President Trump’s Twitter account is a “public forum,” blocking citizens from having access to it is “unconstitutional.”The suit, filed on behalf of seven individuals whom Trump has blocked, seeks “immediate injunction requiring [Trump] to unblock” those individuals, to refrain from blocking anyone else “on the basis of viewpoint,” and provide compensation for attorney’s fees.Although Twitter is a private entity, the lawsuit alleges that because Trump uses the platform to engage with the public, his account is therefore a “public forum” and should be treated as such under federal law.“Imagine that your county held town hall meetings at a private community center and excluded people who belonged to a particular political party,” Ujala Sehgal, the communications director of the Knight Institute, told Campus Reform. “Would anyone defend those exclusions on the ground that the meetings were held on private property?”

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, College Insurrection