Anyone want to bet she’s gone before the end of the school year?
The Sun UK reports:
Oxford university head says Generation Snowflake students need to toughen up and challenge views they disagree with rather than taking offenceGENERATION Snowflake students have to toughen up, the head of Oxford University has said.They should learn to challenge views they disagree with, rather than taking offence, according to Professor Louise Richardson.And, rather than caving in to the easily offended, universities should stand up for free speech on campus, she added.Prof Richardson told a higher education summit that universities had to be open to the expression of all kinds of legal views.She said: “We must be robust in defending free speech against those who wish to constrain it, whether that be a government in a well-intentioned effort to prevent radicalisation, or students claiming a right not to be offended.“There should be no such right in universities.”Later, she told how she often dealt with students who complained that their professors had expressed anti-gay views.The vice-chancellor added: “And I say, ‘I’m sorry, but my job is not to make you feel comfortable. Education is not about being comfortable. In fact, I’m interested in making you uncomfortable. And if you don’t like his views, you challenge them’.”