Looks like Joe Scarborough might be getting bored with attacking Donald Trump. So now he’s turning on the people who put Trump into office.
On today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough cited comments made by James Clapper after Trump’s remarks in Phoenix last night, and by Michael Hayden in 2016, questioning Trump’s fitness for office, specifically with regard to the potential use of nuclear weapons. Joe then referenced a statement made by Mika Brzezinksi prior to the election in which she warned Americans against voting for Trump.
“Mika was saying [prior to the election] watch out, America, watch out Republicans, you better not do this, is this what you really want to do? I guess what’s chilling is that enough Americans did want that [what Trump represented.] They don’t care! We keep talking about Trump. I’m sorry, we’re going to have to take a much longer look, after all this comes to an end, at what led so many Americans to support a man so clearly—professionals in the military and intelligence—suggest maybe unbalanced and unfit to have the nuclear codes with him?”
Yes, it’s obviously puzzling to Scarborough and the MSM at large that the American people don’t take their voting instructions from those non-partisan purveyors of the unvarnished truth.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: What James clapper said in August 2017 was identical to what Michael Hayden warned about in August of 2016. And you know, you can go back and look at the transcripts. Mika was saying [prior to the election] watch out, America, watch out Republicans, you better not do this, is this what you really want to do? I guess what’s chilling is that enough Americans did want that. They don’t care!We keep talking about Trump. I’m sorry, we’re going to have to take a much longer look, after all this comes to an end, at what led so many Americans to support a man so clearly—professionals in the military and intelligence—suggest maybe unbalanced and unfit to have the nuclear codes with him?”
Note: Criticizing Trump supporters seems to be an MSM theme of the day. Over at CNN this morning, David Gregory described Trump’s base as “an angry band of people.”