Ryerson University Cancels Free Speech Event Due to Safety Concerns

This is how the enemies of free speech win. Fear leads to silence.

The Daily Caller reported:

College Responds To Hosting Panel On Free Speech By Canceling ItRyerson University canceled a panel Wednesday dedicated to discussing the silencing of free speech on college campuses, citing “campus safety.”The Canadian school canceled “The Stifling of Free Speech on University Campuses,” an Aug. 22 panel featuring three doctors and a pro-free speech journalist, citing a prioritization of “campus safety” over free speech “in light of recent events,” according to correspondence obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.Social justice activists set up a Facebook page entitled “No Fascists in Our City!” to protest the event. The page’s header image depicted a swastika crossed out.“Fascists are planning to meet on August 22nd at Ryerson University to discuss how to avoid what they call ‘SJW’ Culture,” the protest description reads. “Tickets are being sold for $20 and frankly it makes us virulently ill … Considering the rise of Nationalism here and abroad we need to show these people and their guests that we will not tolerate their backward nonsense in our city.”Approximately 500 individuals signed up for the protest, with nearly 2,000 others stating that they were interested. Sarina Singh, a Ryerson graduate who was hosting the free speech event, received a call from Ryerson Wednesday morning informing her of the event’s cancellation.

Tags: College Insurrection, Free Speech