Maxine Waters: After Impeaching Trump, We’ll Have To “Go After” Pence
I’m guessing that Paul Ryan is third on her list of people to impeach
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) has been itching to impeach President Trump and proudly leads the “Impeach Trump” brigade of woke resisters.
But her plans don’t stop there. Apparently, she doesn’t think much of Vice President Pence, either, and vows that after impeaching Trump, Pence is next.
California Rep. Maxine Waters, the Democratic lawmaker leading the campaign to impeach President Trump, already has her sights set on his likely replacement, Vice President Mike Pence.
Waters discussed her impeachment fantasy on Friday during an interview on ABC’s “The View.”
“Do you think Pence will be better than Trump?” Waters was asked by View co-host Joy Behar.
“No, and when we finish with Trump we have to go after Putin,” Waters said, mixing up Pence with Russian president Vladimir Putin.
. . . . While Waters has said that she believes Trump should be targeted for impeachment over his alleged ties to Russia and his past business dealings, she offered no rationale for going after Pence.
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As ridiculous as Maxine Waters has always been, she exemplifies one of the Liberals’ great strengths: Always playing offense.
Memo for Maxine Waters: Impeaching Trump and going after Pence? That’s how you’ll get a civil war–a civil war that you can only lose.
And believe me, Maxine, you don’t want to know what will happen after you’re defeated. Next time, it won’t be Lee and Grant at Appomattox: it’ll be more like the Lannisters settling family business on “Game of Thrones.”
Maxine Waters hasn’t a clue what impeachment is, and certainly not what the grounds are for it. To get an idea how daft she is on the subject, she was demanding he be impeached prior to his execution of the oath of office; in December 2016 in fact!
The Left’s desire to destroy Trump and Pence so they can rerun the last election has become so pathological that they could not care less if they destroy the country in the process. This is not going to end well.
Apparently she believes that if the Democrats can just impeach enough people, they can install Hillary Clinton in the White House.
Ryan is third in line so they could impeach down to a democrat.
Oh, sweet Maxine. Isn’t that when the shooting starts?