How We’re Preparing for Hurricane Harvey

Sitting here, blogging from my home breaks in Houston, which is currently on the dirty side of Hurricane Harvey.

My brother-in-law’s family evacuated from the coast yesterday to dryer ground inland.

As these things go, no one is entirely sure what to expect, but wisdom always suggests we prepare for the worst.

Some models show the storm making landfall as a category 3 possibly even 4 where it will park for a few days then stroll up the Gulf Coast to make landfall again just outside of Houston as a category 2. Needless to say, if models are in any way accurate, this is one nasty piece of work.

This is one incredible storm:

We don’t live in a flood plain, so that shouldn’t be a concern for us, though with these things you never know.

But we’re prepared. We have enough food, water, ice, booze, batteries, diapers, dog food, and supplies to get us through the end of next week, maybe a little more. And because I know not everyone is prudent, have a little extra for others in case it’s needed.

We’ve moved outside furniture to the garage, taken down clothes lines, rolled up Old Glory, and brought in the bird feeders, leaving me a little anxious for our backyard hummingbirds. I hope they find a safe place to wait out the storm.

My husband and I are both native Houstonians, so this is not our first major hurricane, but as he observed last night, it’s the first for many new residents. Ten, even fifteen years ago, most everyone here was born and raised Houstonian stock. Now, not so much. It seems we never meet fellow natives these days.

As locals and long-time Gulf Coast residents know, this is just part of coastal living. As my dear friend and Galveston native explained:

The beer is an absolute must. Or if not beer, then a Harvey Wallbanger seems appropriate here.

If this happens to be your first storm, please, please, please exercise wisdom, caution, and extreme prudence. Listen to city officials for guidance, not random internet info. Official city release is here.

If you’re not in an evacuation area and can stay inside, do. If you don’t know how high the water is, DO NOT DRIVE THROUGH IT. According to the National Hurricane Center 9 out of 10 deaths in a storm’s aftermath occur in a vehicle. There’s still time to gather supplies before this evening, but you best make haste. And if you need help, ask. As I was gathering storm preparations yesterday, baby strapped to me, no less than 6 people volunteered help. Texas, Louisiana, and the Gulf Coast is full of amazing people, willing to help.

We’re prepared but not anxious and informed but not worried. We’ve prayed and continue to pray Psalms 91 over our family, our home, and over all of those in the path of Hurricane Harvey.

If you are in Harvey’s path, we’re praying for you too.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Blogging, Hurricane Harvey, Texas