Germany Election: Merkel Defends Open Borders Policy, Ready To ‘Act The Same Way Again’

With less than a month until the German elections, Chancellor Angela Merkel defended her Open Borders Policy for illegal migrants on German television over the weekend. “German Chancellor Angela Merkel defended her controversial decision to admit over a million refugees in 2015, and insisted she had no regrets, saying she would take the big decisions ‘the same way again,'” British newspaper Daily Express wrote.

She also placed the blame ironically on the border restrictions already in place — prior to the autumn of 2015 — to check the unregulated inflow of the refugees into Europe. “She criticized the so-called ‘Dublin Regulation’ on refugees, which requires those seeking asylum to register in the first EU state they enter,” German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported. Merkel’s arbitrary suspension of the Dublin Regulation, in fact, started the migrant influx from the Middle East and North African countries that continues to this day.

Deutsche Welle covered German Chancellor’s recent TV appearance:

Chancellor Merkel defended her decision to open German borders in 2015, while also urging EU countries to show solidarity on refugees. (…) In an interview published on Sunday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stood by her resolution two years ago to provide refuge to those fleeing from warfare in Syria and other countries.”I would take all the important decisions of 2015 the same way again,” she told Germany’s Welt am Sonntag newspaper, saying they had been necessary to “avert a humanitarian catastrophe.” (…)She criticized the so-called “Dublin Regulation” on refugees, which requires those seeking asylum to register in the first EU state they enter.

German Chancellor Merkel also took an aim at the Eastern European countries for blocking the EU’s soviet-style centralized resettlement plan for migrants:

[R]efugees should be distributed among the EU member states in solidarity, she said.Calls for redistribution of refugees in the bloc according to a quota scheme have previously met with considerable resistance, particularly from eastern European countries such as Poland and Hungary.

Merkel’s latest statements show how little remorse she feels for her actions.

Europe, not just Germany, has paid a heavy price for Merkel’s insistence on the open borders for millions of migrants.Germany and other European countries have been battling with a migrant crime wave. The continent has been rocked by a series of deadly Islamist terror attacks carried out by migrants.

With a double-digit lead against her socialist rival Martin Schulz, Merkel remains media’s favorite to win the September 24 vote. Alternative for Germany (AfD), the only party challenging Merkel’s disastrous EU and Migrant Policies, is pegged below 10-percent in most opinion polls.

Despite surging in the polls, the German leader faces some serious public backlash on her campaign trail.

Last Saturday, she was booed by hundreds of voters at an election rally in the eastern German state of Saxony-Anhalt. Her entire speech was drowned out by hundreds of angry protesters telling her to “get lost”. Her voter outreach in northwestern German city of Bergisch-Gladbach last week, did not go well either as hundreds of angry protesters whistled and chanted the AfD slogan “Merkel must go”.

The protests at Merkel’s rallies have become so frequent that UK’s Daily Express correctly noted: “[Her] election campaign team are well used to boos during their tour of Germany.”

Only the next month’s election result will show if these angry protests are staged by a tiny and resentful minority, or do they reflect a rising popular resentment among the voters in the run-up to the polling day.

Raw footage: Chancellor Merkel booed by voters at an election rally in Saxony-Anhalt 

[Cover image via YouTube]

Tags: Angela Merkel, Germany, Immigration, Jihad, refugees, Terrorism