U. Wisconsin Madison Center for Social Justice Gives Award to Fan of Hugo Chávez

Anyone who thinks Hugo Chávez is great should try living in Venezuela for a few weeks.The College Fix reports:

U. Wisconsin honors sycophant for Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez with lifetime achievement awardThe University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Social Justice already had a crush on a Marxist activist who met Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and his successor, Nicolás Maduro, and lauded their dictatorship.Now it has pledged its eternal devotion to Tariq Ali, who praised Chávez for distributing his favorite book rather than food to his starving people.Ali is the recipient of the center’s 2017 Lifetime Contribution to Critical Scholarship Award, which recognizes his “distinguished and extensive record of scholarly achievement in the critical tradition of social thought.”In an article for the free-market MacIver Institute, UW-Green Bay student Jessica Murphy highlights the vast expanse between Ali’s benevolent view of socialist Venezuela and the experience on the ground.Venezuelan student activist Jorge A. Jraissati tells Murphy in an interview that more than 80 student activists have been killed, and another 3,000 incarcerated, in the past three months:

Venezuela is a country sunk in misery, a country in which our people don’t have access to food, medicines, and jobs. Venezuela is a country with no freedom of speech, no human rights, and no opportunities to provide for our families with minimum wage less than $50 per month. A country divided, collapsed, and injured thanks to Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro. …The people Chávez promised to help are the most exposed to the violence and hunger my country is living at the moment.

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