Stanford Prof: Saying Your Homework is Easy Could be a Microaggression

As I’ve said before, it would be easier if someone on the left would just tell the rest of us what isn’t a microaggression.

The Daily Caller reported:

Stanford Prof: Calling Homework Easy Is A ‘Microaggression’Talking about how easy your homework assignment is could be a microaggression, according to Ruth Starkman, a professor at Stanford University.Writing for the Huffington Post, Starkman argued that referring to your homework as “easy” could hurt other students’ feelings, since not all students may have found the assignment easy to complete.“Had you been listening, you might have heard others describe your comment as a ‘microaggression,’ a term coined in 1970 by Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Chester M. Pierce,” Starkman wrote.Explaining why you found the homework easy could be a microaggression too, because “even if it’s not a lie,” it could also be “a form of bragging.”“Not everyone went to your high school, had your fortunate circumstances, or such a dazzling delivery room arrival, and even if they did, they might still be suffering because of the genuine challenges of the assignments,” Starkman wrote.Starkman wrote that because students live in “a world of unevenly distributed knowledge,” they must be careful not to speak carelessly around other students, especially students who are from minority backgrounds.

Tags: College Insurrection, Microaggressions