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Princeton University to Offer Course on Foundations of Conservatism

Princeton University to Offer Course on Foundations of Conservatism

“Princeton University is something of a progressive bubble”

This is encouraging news. It also serves as a reminder of how few schools offer such courses.

The College Fix reports:

Princeton to offer class on ‘Intellectual Foundations of Modern Conservatism’

One Princeton University professor, concerned over the deep dearth of opportunities for students at the Ivy League institution to explore the principles underpinning conservatism, has decided to do something to help fix the problem.

Philosophy Professor Thomas Kelly will offer a freshman seminar this fall called “Intellectual Foundations of Modern Conservatism.”

“What first interested me in offering this particular course was my growing conviction that, in at least some respects, Princeton University is something of a progressive bubble, where students are not really exposed to the best arguments that can be made for various heterodox political and social views,” Kelly wrote to The College Fix in an email…

Princeton Professor Robert George, an outspoken and politically active social conservative well-known even outside of academia, does contribute to intellectual diversity at Princeton, Kelly said. Yet, to say Princeton is intellectually diverse due to one scholar’s presence is underwhelming at best, he added.

“I don’t think that it’s educationally ideal when an entire political philosophy or cluster of ideas is so closely associated, at least locally, with one individual,” Kelly said.


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I can’t wait to see what progressive lies about conservatives this course will teach.

DieJustAsHappy | July 31, 2017 at 8:46 am is a reference to Professor Kelly’s background. A couple of notes. From this, his “Areas of Specialization: Epistemology, Theory of Rationality, Philosophical Methodology” and “Areas of Competence: History of Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion.”

Among his many publication, one in particular caught my eye as its potential, positive, impact on the course. It is: “Following the Argument Where It Leads”. Philosophical Studies Volume 154, Number 1, (2011): 105-124.”

Ah, to be a student once again. I’d be there!

Don’t worry, it’s only on the foundations of conservatism.
I’m sure they’ll study it with the same detachment as they would the Dodo, or paranoid schizophrenia.

I hope he’s tenured, although tenure hasn’t saved several conservative professors at other universities.