On May 22, 2012, we registered our 100,000th comment from Oregon Mike.
Yesterday we registered our 500,000th comment.
There is no prize. No money. No special access.
Just bragging rights. And the bragging rights go to …..
“Paul” for a comment on the post Wasserman Schultz Aide Arrested at Airport, Wired $300K to Pakistan:
[Featured Image: Rita Hayworth Stayin’ Alive]
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Half a million here, half a million there, pretty soon you’re talking some serious commenting!
403,762 desrves a trophy too….OH, wrong site
Gawd, Rita was SOOOOOOOOOO beautiful and so alive…
Thank god it wasn’t Rags
Congratulations, Paul and Professor Jacobson!
When I was declared #100,000, I was on top of the world. Now I find I am just a lowly foothill to Mount Shasta. That’s okay!
On to #1,000,000!
You are not forgotten. Only misremembered. Like McCain thinks he is a Democrat.
I hear McCain is getting better.
Last night McCain started making sounds like a RINO again……..
Good thing it happened to be a longer comment and not a snarky on-liner that would make no sense whatsoever out of its original context.
(Or a correction comment for that matter. What are the odds of getting a 1-2 minute window to fix typographical errors on comments?)
Groucho Marx used one-liners.
Don’t discriminate against…..
The Volokh Conspiracy (or was it Powerline?) used to have a 5-minute window to edit comments. To get thsi, you;’d need to change the software.
Paul, I think you’ve been ‘unmasked.’
I’m crushed….. pretty sure I came in at 499,999
It’s even worse if you come in 499,999 and one-half………
I knew it was a special comment when it actually made Milhouse stop digging himself deeper into a hole.
But seriously, lots of great articles and conversations here over the years. Kudos to the prof, the contributors and the readers for keeping it interesting and (mostly) civil.
This site is interesting and the comments are civil leading to an exchange of ideas which makes it one of the few worth reading daily.
Congrats Prof!
What have you planned for the Millionth one?