The situation at Mizzou has gotten so bad that even the liberal media can no longer ignore the story.
From the New York Times:
Long After Protests, Students Shun the University of MissouriIn the fall of 2015, a grassy quadrangle at the center of the University of Missouri became known nationwide as the command center of an escalating protest.Students complaining of official inaction in the face of racial bigotry joined forces with a graduate student on a hunger strike. Within weeks, with the aid of the football team, they had forced the university system president and the campus chancellor to resign.It was a moment of triumph for the protesting students. But it has been a disaster for the university.Freshman enrollment at the Columbia campus, the system’s flagship, has fallen by more than 35 percent in the two years since.The university administration acknowledges that the main reason is a backlash from the events of 2015, as the campus has been shunned by students and families put off by, depending on their viewpoint, a culture of racism or one where protesters run amok.Before the protests, the university, fondly known as Mizzou, was experiencing steady growth and building new dormitories. Now, with budget cuts due to lost tuition and a decline in state funding, the university is temporarily closing seven dormitories and cutting more than 400 positions, including those of some nontenured faculty members, through layoffs and by leaving open jobs unfilled.