Mika: Trump Playing the Apprentice Person “Who Ends Up Getting Fired”
What scenario in which Trump would be “fired” does Mika have in mind?

Is Mika Brzezinski predicting that President Trump won’t serve out his term? Sounds like it, judging by her observation on today’s Morning Joe.
“If you are losing Republicans every step of the way because you’ve proved to be not trustworthy, and you’ve failed them miserably on health care . . . [and] undermining someone who’s been incredibly loyal to you . . . isn’t he playing the person who ends up getting fired on The Apprentice, instead of being the person who says “you’re fired?”
Mika didn’t spell out the scenario by which she envisions President Trump being “fired.” Losing the 2020 election would be a case of not being rehired, rather than being fired. So just what does Mika have in mind?
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: If you look at the shows he’s produced, I think he’s playing the wrong person on the show. I mean, if you are losing Republicans every step of the way because you’ve proved to be not trustworthy, and you’ve failed them miserably on health care every step of the way, and sort of undermined them every step of the way. And then you kind of lose out on your base by failing your base, by undermining someone who’s been incredibly loyal to you, Mark Halperin, who the base really respects, isn’t he playing the person who ends up getting fired on The Apprentice, instead of being the person who says “you’re fired?”

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After reading Rush’s monologue on the topic, I’m beginning to see how clearly this dust-up with the POTUS is rehabilitating Sessions in the eyes of the media. Not that they won’t flop him back into a nazi after praising him as honorable in the same sentence, but its always fun to be able to point to their recent and unmitigated hypocrisy.
see hpw they are treating McCain now.
but i am not happy how POTUS is (mis)behaving.
So, let me see if I understand you. The media has been dispensing inaccurate and fabricated information about Trump since the early part of the 2016 campaign. The Dems have been doing the same thing. The Republicans have been doing everything in their power to stymie Trumps agenda and are supporting the Dem efforts against Trump. He has zero supporters in DC. He has almost no supporters in the Republican party. He has almost no supporters in the media. And, the attacks continue unabated. And, you are not happy with Trump’s “behavior”? What would you expect the man to do? Roll over and play dead?
Here is what the political class do not understand about Trump. Trump is not a career politician. He is a businessman who is doing a 4-8 year stint as President in order to correct the conditions which he sees as being responsible for the not-so-slow destruction of this country. He does not have to play nice, with his enemies, as he has no plans to be in politics after his term(s) in office expire. Sessions does not really want to burn his political bridges with the Establishment political class. Comey actively worked against Trump, his boss, and for the Dems and Clinton. And, even Trump’s own party has the audacity to criticize him for firing an disloyal employee who was not carrying out his
duties and publicly displaying his discontent with the performance of another wmployee.
Trump, unlike most politicians, will not smile to your face and then stab you in the back. The political class does not understand that. And, what they do not understand, they fear.
Astute comment of the day.
He’s kicking the asses that need kicking. If Susan Collins is unhappy, he’s doing something VERY right.
What is that old saying?
Is it….
“You can judge the character of a man by the enemies he makes?”
You are right. How would any of us do under this onslaught? The Republicans would impeach him for committing no crime if he ended Meuller’s witch hunt because they think it will bring him down. The dems would vote 100% for impeachment without any crime. We saw how Lynch and Holder had Obama’s back. Yet Sessions wouldn’t lift a finger to help Trump. He is getting threatened by Republican Senators. Other than the American people he has no allies.
Sure, MSNBC spews this sewer waste when this is going on.
More Intel Leaks: Nunes Letter To FBI Outlines “Hundreds of Unmasking Requests”…
The committee has learned that one official…(U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power)… made hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama administration,” Nunes wrote. (Sources familiar with the Nunes letter identified the official as then-U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power.)
“We have found evidence that current and former government officials had easy access to U.S. person information….
In Thursday’s letter, Nunes said the total requests for Americans’ names by Obama political aides numbered in the hundreds during Obama’s last year in office and often lacked a specific intelligence community justification…