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George Washington U. Prof Suggests Course on Understanding Trump Voters

George Washington U. Prof Suggests Course on Understanding Trump Voters

“blue collar studies” in the age of President Trump.”

Could liberals really be so out of touch with middle class Americans that they have to study them?

Campus Reform reports:

Law prof proposes ‘white middle-class studies’ discipline

A George Washington University Law School professor thinks colleges should offer “white middle-class studies” or “blue collar studies” in the age of President Trump.

According to The Daily Caller, John Banzhaf was scheduled to present his plan for the new academic field at the Fifteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities being held in London this week.

The courses are loosely modeled on the progressive identity-focused studies that examine the experiences of minority groups in the U.S., which Banzhaf argues is necessary because most scholars have little or no understanding of the perspectives that drove people to vote for Donald Trump.

“The abject failure of academics and other key members of the knowledge society to predict, much less to understand, the views of the six-in-ten Americans without college degrees who provided Trump’s primary support in the U.S. presidential election dramatically illustrates the urgent need for at least one new direction for critical studies: Blue Collar (or non-degree) Studies,” the professor contends in an abstract to his upcoming presentation.

“Such new studies are needed for exactly the same reasons we have Black Studies, LGBT Studies, and others: that we urgently need to understand more about these subcultures, even though the interaction and knowledge gaps between cultures are greater regarding people without degrees than with these other groups,” he adds.


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I’ve got two degrees – B.S. Biology and M.S. Biochemistry – one of them from a highly prestigious school. But I don’t need to study blue collar people. Why? Because I am active in my church, a church that has blue collar members. I am an Assistant Scoutmaster in the Boy Scouts, and I work with boys and parents who are blue collar. I do not view blue collar workers as a class of people separate from me who have to be studied. I don’t view them as a group of unfortunates or deplorables who need to be helped to see the light. I see them as people who are as much a part of my community as I am, people I see and talk to every week.