Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief: CNN a victim of “social media mob frenzy” over Trump wrestling GIF
CNN’s Brian Stelter characterizes criticism of CNN going after wrestling GIF maker as “alt-right”
Yeah, CNN threatened to out the guy who made the CNN wrestling meme. But the threat, according to CNN, was just some language that the legal suits stuck into the CNN statement. So if you complain about it, you’re just part of a social-media “mob” that is falsely playing the victim.
That was the argument made on Reliable Sources hosted by CNN’s Brian Stelter. John Avlon of the Daily Beast, a CNN analyst, warned the media not to let the criticism “distract” them from the “real issue”: President Trump’s tweet of the wrestling GIF.
Note: host Brian Stelter dismissed CNN’s threat to out the meme-maker as merely an “awkward sentence.” And as is his wont, Stelter sloughed off the criticism as an “alt-right” reaction. So Vox is now part of the alt-right? Who knew?
Note segundo: While Stelter and Avlon tried to downplay the threatening language as an “awkward sentence” that was foisted on CNN by its legal department, neither denies that CNN was indeed reserving the right to out the meme-maker if he mocked CNN again.
Aside: for a fairly prominent MSM member, Avlon dishes out a very messy word salad.
BRIAN STELTER: That awkward sentence saying that CNN might in the future reserve the right to reveal the identity. It caused the hashtag, #CNNblackmail, to start trending. John Avon, Daily Beast, you had a reporter write about this issue, and about what we saw the alt-right do to criticize CNN for it. What was your assessment of this?
JOHN AVLON: Look, I think what’s, what’s what’s, what’s troubling and fascinating is the way— what Kirsten just expired—explained, which is, you know, an emphasis [?] language added by an editor at the request of legal, all of a sudden got made and turned into a fictitious vision of playing the victim, that is amplified, moral justification, saying that it was a 15-year-old boy.
STELTER: That this anonymous user was a teenager when it was actually a middle-aged man.
AVLON: Very important that that fundamental lie became part of the narrative that created an aura of moral justification for a social media mob frenzy, that was amplified, probably artificially, in part by Vox [Ed.: a Vox reporter called CNN’s threat “extremely unethical”].
It’s part of a larger pattern, which is trying to actually say that, we’re the real victims, we’re going to swarm via social media at the very least with real threats to try to create an aura of confusion, and if it has to be predicated on a fundamenatl lie, to distract from the original issue, which is the President of the United States tweeting out a meme that shows violence against a news outlet, then we’ll do that, and we’ll try to play the victim and get the upper hand. And we’ll use social media swarm tactics to do it.
That’s something new, it’s something dangerous, but it’s something that we need to be very firm about not getting distracted by, because the whole purpose is to distract us from the real issue.
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Poor FNN a victim of their Legal Weenies.
They give Fake News, we decide – LOL – 😉
It’s OK for fakestream presstitutes to pile on, but don’t you dare respond in kind.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA, CNN you just keep jamming those fingers down your ears singing lalalalalajaaaa to yourself so you don’t hear reality coming at ya! 🙂
They’re still tripping over their – ahems – and don’t even know it. They are obsessed, and that obsession just keeps feeding the negative image of their own making.
Suck it up, FNN! The green curtail has been pulled away to reveal your decades-long fraudulence and hypocrisy.
The Missing Link (aka Brian Stelter) is the biggest fraud at CNN (which says a lot).
Stelter *started* this by demanding the ID of the guy on Twitter.
I remember being glued to the TV during Operation Desert Storm. CNN was the “War Channel” back then, and I could spend hours watching their boot-on-the-ground reporting. Fascinating stuff.
Now the only “shock and awe” going on here is watching how fast these Leftist retards plunge into obscurity. Trump’s Twitter feed is more reliable than these tools.
yeah. I very clearly remember that as well. work stopping dead and the boss pulling the tv into the area and we all just stood around and watched that night. I loved CNN from that moment…. until oh, I guess I quit watching them around 9/11.
Let’s remember that CNN had a long history of covering up Saddam’s atrocities and reporting the propaganda Saddam told them to report, all so they could have access in Iraq.
Lets not get distracted from the real issue … Which is CNN hates Trump and Republicans … We get it
Stelter knew John Avlon would agree. He employs all sorts of deceptive tools – like stacked panels and cutting guests off when they don’t agree.
uh, that’s not at all the way CNN’s Ana Carera explained it; she flat out states that the only reason CNN didn’t dox the redditor was BECAUSE he wiped his posts, apologized for making them, and promised never to do it again.
It’s all been captured on audiovid, CNN, so Stelter can BS all he wants to, but the truth is out here and in CNN’s own words:
Well bless their little victimized hearts. Keep digging, Art Bell said there was ways to travel to the center of the earth and you might connect with one and scoop MSNBC.
This is DNCNN.
It’s funny until you get the 1-2 punch combination:
1) CNN is unbelievably tone deaf and everything they are doing is only making their situation worse.
… Yup. Ha ha heh heh ha.
2) These are the idiots the Establishment Wing of the GOP has been caving to for almost a decade.
…dude, not cool. We were finally having a bit of fun but now you’ve bummed everyone’s Happy Warrior vibe.
“Reliable Sources”: Has there ever been, in the entire history of TV programming, a show that has been so incredibly misnamed?
Actually, they’re quite reliable. They say whatever Stelter wants them to say.
It’s like a necrotic venom, and CNN’s surprisingly amateurish attempts to stop it just make it worse.
Just one of the many things making this the Best Election Ever.
CNN didn’t say they were reserving the right to reveal his identity “in the future” which, after their long explanation of his contrition, would have been questionable. No. CNN flat out stated in print “should any of that change,” should he go back on any of the things they just described in previous paragraph, in which he clearly begged not to identified, they might just decide to out him.
CNN has by extension threatened every anonymous poster on the Internet and said posters are making their feelings known.
JOHN AVLON: Look, I think what’s, what’s what’s, what’s troubling and fascinating is the way— what Kirsten just expired—explained, which is, you know, an emphasis [?] language added by an editor at the request of legal, all of a sudden got made and turned into a fictitious vision of playing the victim, that is amplified, moral justification, saying that it was a 15-year-old boy.
This guy gets paid to talk like this? A fourth grader has more verbal skill than this moron! This gives everyone a clue just who works for the beast.
He sounds like Obama. The smartest man is America.
Folks here are forgetting what’s happening on the ground. 4/8 Chan has decided to really have at CNN. Doxing? You bet….but these guys are real thorough. They’ll did everyone involved…even the guy who walks the dog. Yep, they’ll back calendars and such. Now, that doesn’t sound so bad, does it? But what if some bad guy is paying attention…..who doesn’t miss?
CNN is in a real bad place. Most folks want to see them burn. The management at CNN isn’t smart enough to publicly humiliate themselves in order to stop this thing from going forth. Yep, I believe someone is going to act out “The Nightly News.”