Highlights: AG Sessions Testifies Before Senate Intel Committee

Tuesday, Attorney General Sessions testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee to answer questions about former FBI Director Comey and Russia. The hearing began at 2:30 EST.

We updated this post real-time during the hearing, so you’ll find highlights in sequential order.

Complete opening statement:

Sessions says he does not recall any meeting with Russian officials regarding the Trump campaign or the 2016 election at the Mayflower Hotel:

Sessions calls the collusion allegation an “appalling and detestable lie”:

On why he chose to recuse himself:

Though he fully plans to defend the honor of his reputation:

Neither is he working with Special Counselor Mueller:

Sessions never spoke with Comey about his job performance at the FBI:

On the question of whether Sessions did in fact linger after a meeting with Trump:

Sessions also said if Comey felt he was being improperly pressured by Trump, he could’ve brought his complaint to Sessions himself or the Deputy AG.

Today’s spicy segment brought to you by Sen. Wyden (D-OR):

FINALLY, the question America really wants answered: Does the AG enjoy spy fiction?

Learks beware:

Kamala Harris was asked to behave once again:

California’s Junior Senator is the only member of the Senate Intel Committee who consistently refused to allow AG Sessions to finish answering her questions before moving on to the next question. She still hasn’t learned she’s on a Senate Committee conducting a hearing, not in a courtroom. It’s almost like she was hoping to cut Sessions off in order to elicit a very particular response. Sessions would have none of it. Harris might be likeable if she didn’t come off as desperate to prove herself tough. It’s a tired, unnecessary schtick.

The “Harris was silenced!” crowd neglects to note that another woman on the committee, Sen. Feinstein, has not been silenced. Unlike Harris, Feinstein has treated witnesses with respect rather than contempt.

FBI Leadership:

Political media reaction:

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Tags: Jeff Sessions, Kamala Harris, Russia