U. Delaware Prof Blasted for Insulting Student Who Died After Return From North Korea

Sec. Tillerson North Korea frees jailed American student Otto Warmbier released

What kind of person insults someone who died after such a horrible experience? This professor deserves the criticism she’s getting.

The FOX News Inside reports:

College Professor Blasted After Saying Otto Warmbier ‘Got What He Deserved’A college professor is receiving backlash for saying that Otto Warmbier “got exactly what he deserved.”The University of Virginia junior died Monday after spending 17 months in a North Korean prison and being brought home in a comatose state. He had been sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for stealing a propaganda poster from his hotel while visiting the country.”Otto is typical of the mindset of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueles [sic] males who come into my classes,” anthropology professor at the University of Delaware Katherine Dettwyler wrote on her Facebook page on Tuesday.People from across the country have called for her to be fired, some saying on Twitter that they would not send their children to the university.The professor said students like Warmbier cry about their grades and think they can get away with anything, including raping women. It is unclear how she was relating rape to Warmbier’s case.”You throw around the word ‘white’ in a way that would get you fired if you talked that way about the black kids,” a commenter on her post offered.

Tags: College Insurrection