Trump to Introduce Apprenticeship Program to Deal With Student Debt

This is good news. The Trump administration has got to take steps to deal with student debt.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Trump touts plan for students to ‘earn while they learn’President Trump on Friday touted his administration’s new apprenticeship program as a way for young adults to “earn while they learn” instead of taking out student loans to earn a four-year degree.”Our Apprenticeship Initiative will make it dramatically easier for employers, industry groups and unions to create exciting new apprenticeship programs that place students into high-paying careers. Instead of being racked with crushing student debt, those who participate will earn while they learn — think of that: earn while they learn,” Trump said in his weekly address about the executive order he signed Thursday.Trump, who two years ago today promised to “be the greatest jobs president that God ever created” while announcing his bid for president, has focused his recent weekly statements on ways in which his administration is trying to build the economy by creating more, better-paying jobs.Trump’s plan focuses on blue-collar industries where many employees are not required to attend college or a post-bachelor’s degree; nonetheless, careers in which “there is dignity in every honest job, and there is nobility in every honest worker.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Trump Education