Students Who Shut Down Heather Mac Donald Allowed to Graduate

Allowing these students to graduate conflicts with school policy. No one is punished for anything.The College Fix reports:

Students who shut down ‘War on Cops’ author allowed to graduate, in break with college policyActions don’t have consequences for Claremont McKenna College faculty.Over the objections of the administration, professors voted to let students participate in graduation who are facing possible expulsion for shutting down War on Cops author Heather Mac Donald in her April campus speech, The Claremont Independent reports.This was an unprecedented break with college policy, as was made clear by Dean of Faculty Peter Uvin’s May 4 letter to professors, obtained by the Independent:

I inform you that there are among this group of [graduating] students a number who are currently … the subject of a Conduct Investigation and Review process related to the blockade and other disruptions at the Athenaeum and the Kravis building on April 6, 2017.

The school’s “expedited conduct review process” is “not appropriate” in any of the cases, which is a first in college history, Uvin wrote:

The charges against these students are sufficiently significant for the College to have activated the procedure that carries the highest potential sanctions, including suspension or expulsion. It is wrong to let students, over whom such significant doubts as to their good standing exist, graduate from the College as if these concerns did not exist. In the past, the College solved this conundrum by dramatically expediting conduct processes … Today, and rightly so, conduct processes have become much more complicated, with many more intermediary steps designed to protect the respondents to serious charges. The result is that we are now obliged to directly grapple with this question: are we willing to simply graduate students against whom there was sufficient preliminary evidence to warrant a Conduct Investigation and Review process?

Tags: College Insurrection, Free Speech