Nebraska Democratic Official Ousted After Recording Surfaced of Him Wishing Scalise Died
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Nebraska Democratic Official Ousted After Recording Surfaced of Him Wishing Scalise Died

Nebraska Democratic Official Ousted After Recording Surfaced of Him Wishing Scalise Died

“I wish he was (obscenity) dead.”

Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb has ousted Phil Montag, a volunteer for the party’s technology committee, after a recording surfaced of him saying he was glad House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot and wished he died. Scalise and four others were shot last week while practicing for the congressional baseball game.

From The Omaha World-Herald:

On Thursday, Kleeb acted immediately upon hearing the recording.

“This is the first I am hearing this,” Kleeb said by email Thursday morning. “As soon as I heard it, I sent it to the (party) officers and then sent an email to Phil Montag informing him I am removing him from his appointed position as Co-Chair of the Technology Committee. … Wishing a Member of Congress or any individual dead is disgusting and has no place in our party.”

Kleeb said she reported the recorded conversation to the police because she viewed Montag’s remarks as a possible death threat.

“I’ll leave that to the police to determine their next steps,” she said. “That’s not my role.”

This was on the recording, according to the World-Herald:

In the recording, Montag, referring to Scalise, says “this (obscenity), his whole job is to get people, convince Republicans to (obscenity) kick people off of (obscenity) health care. … I’m glad he got shot. I’m not gonna (obscenity) say that publicly.”

“Well then what are you saying it to us for?” Gentry-Tipton’s friend asks in the recording.

“I wish he was (obscenity) dead,” Montag says as the recording continues.

“Why are you telling us but not telling anyone else?” Madison asks.

“Because I’m trying to figure this (obscenity) out,” Montag replied.

“It’s OK because I’ve been recording this conversation since you’ve come in so I will publicly release it myself,” Madison says, according to the recording.

Montag has claimed that someone edited the tape and took his words out of context. USA Today reported:

“Like every decent American I am saddened and horrified by the shooting of Congressman Scalise,” Montag said in an email, according to the World-Herald. “I do not and did not wish for his death. I am hopeful that the entirety of the original, unedited recording will emerge so we can get to the truth of the matter.”

The recording was made during a conversation between Montag, party official Chelsey Gentry-Tipton and a friend of hers. Gentry-Tipton faced criticism last week for saying the GOP members of Congress crying about the shooting on television were funny because they supported the National Rifle Association’s agenda.

As I was writing this, news broke that Scalise has “transferred out of the intensive care unit at MedStar Washington Hospital.” He remains in the hospital and in fair condition.


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The party of peace learning quickly from the religion of peace.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to shrinkDave. | June 23, 2017 at 2:58 pm

    In other words, the crab-apple doesn’t fall far from the Hillary tree………….

Fascists will be fascists.

Just imagine these people having power over your life.

If you can’t, re-imagine the horror of hillary clinton being elected president on the heels of 8 years of beta-male barack.

4th armored div | June 23, 2017 at 4:39 pm

da DemoCrap party who wants to give the Fakistinians a state also wants to see conservative patriots stateless.

BHO and pantsuit to putin ‘i will have more flexibility’

Obama to Russia: ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility

Roy in Nipomo | June 23, 2017 at 9:15 pm

It sounds like Kleeb did the right thing, anyway. I don’t know if she really wanted to the right thing or just be seen doing the right thing (since she knew the recording was “out in the wild” on the internet), but actions and not motive are what count in cases like this.

Democrats have been calling Republicans murderers for so long, some of them have started to believe it.

I am glad to see that some of them are not drinking the kool-aide.

Bucky Barkingham | June 24, 2017 at 7:46 am

What correct context is there for wishing a political opponent dead?