Morning Joe’s Geist: Trump should react to Mika/Joe like Bush to Olbermann – Silence

On today’s Morning Joe, Willie Geist was making the point—in the context of the controversy over President Trump’s tweets about Mika and Joe—that presidents need to have a thick skin.

To illustrate, Geist recounted the story of President George W. Bush being informed by a communications aide that Keith Olbermann had made a nasty attack on him that was being picked up in the press. Responded W: “Keith Olbermann? Why is he talking about me? He does Sports Center: I love that guy!”

Concluded Geist: “You’ve got to block out the noise and do your job and not worry about what’s being said about you.”

Then again, how did ignoring attacks work out for President Bush? He left office with an approval rating of 22%.

Note: Since he left office and the media stopped attacking him, W’s ratings have greatly rebounded, it being reported last week that his approval number is now at 59%.

Note segundo: Was Willie aware that he analogized Mika and Joe to the odious Olbermann?

Tags: Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Morning Joe, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump Twitter