Morning Joe’s Geist: Trump should react to Mika/Joe like Bush to Olbermann – Silence
How did that work out for Bush? 22% approval rating at the end.

On today’s Morning Joe, Willie Geist was making the point—in the context of the controversy over President Trump’s tweets about Mika and Joe—that presidents need to have a thick skin.
To illustrate, Geist recounted the story of President George W. Bush being informed by a communications aide that Keith Olbermann had made a nasty attack on him that was being picked up in the press. Responded W: “Keith Olbermann? Why is he talking about me? He does Sports Center: I love that guy!”
Concluded Geist: “You’ve got to block out the noise and do your job and not worry about what’s being said about you.”
Then again, how did ignoring attacks work out for President Bush? He left office with an approval rating of 22%.
Note: Since he left office and the media stopped attacking him, W’s ratings have greatly rebounded, it being reported last week that his approval number is now at 59%.
Note segundo: Was Willie aware that he analogized Mika and Joe to the odious Olbermann?

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Can’t ever remember agreeing with Willie Geist about anything. Until now. Trump responding to those two give them an importance they don’t deserve. Their petty little attacks would disappear without him responding.
Republicans must and need to fight back against the liberal media. Tweeting nonsense isn’t the way to do it.
Their petty little attacks would disappear without him responding.
That’s a pious hope, but not a realistic prediction.
They’re paid to get up every day and do this. There’s no sensible reason to think that they’ll stop. Especially if there’s no pain involved.
I agree, Tom – they have NO reason to stop and are pandering to a low/no information crowd that doesn’t have to get up and go to work like the rest of America; they just have to waddle down to the mailbox to collect their check.
The last thing Mika wanted out there is about her walking around bleeding after a face lift. Her father was a nasty piece of work and so is she.
Instapundit highlighted a great tweet this morning that captured my attitude completely:
D.C.: Trump is a clown!!!
America Outside of D.C.: Everyone in D.C. is a clown! At least Trump regularly annoys the other clowns!
We Elected a President because he won’t take Crap.
Why is the Media so surprised that he won’t take crap?
Cause “CRAP” is all the Media has ever had for sale……..
They have been practicing vile and fake “reporting” for months. All absent any comment from President Trump.
One truthful tweet and it’s all Trump’s fault?
You are on the side of the progs, a vile indecent group.
Oh, I dunno.
Looks to me like Trump’s created a masterful fog of war, completely blinding the enemy, while quietly taking care of business. Only so much he can do alone, but what he can he’s doing.
Mark Finkelstein: Then again, how did ignoring attacks work out for President Bush? He left office with an approval rating of 22%.
You act as if Bush’s low approvals wasn’t related to his performance in office; 9/11, the debacle of Iraq based on claimed WMD, the metastasizing of the insurgency, the use of torture, the feckless response to Katrina, and overseeing the collapse of the global economy, among many reasons.
Bush Derangement Syndrome…ask your doctor about it.
Your entire list is bullshit. Perfect example of allowing the press to define reality. 911 was allowed by the intelligence community, allegedly because there were rules preventing the CIA from sharing information with the FBI. (But nothing prevents them from leaking when it is politically expedient.)
WMDs are either an invention of the CIA, or they don’t exist, in which case, the Sarin gas used by Assad doesn’t exist.
The use of torture was exposed by WikiLeaks, and they work for the Russians, so nothing they report can be trusted.
Katrina? Ah, how about the Democrats in the city and state who sat on their asses and failed to evacuate the city? and who failed to request federal assistance in a timely manner?
Petrushka: 911 was allowed by the intelligence community
Bush was in charge of the intelligence community, and there was ample warning that an attack was imminent. The Bush Administration was focused on Iraq, and stayed focused on Iraq even after 9-11.
Petrushka: WMDs are either an invention of the CIA
It was clear that the Bush Administration were convinced that Iraq had WMD, and ignored evidence to the contrary. That a war was started over WMD which were never found was a huge strategic blunder that led to the implosion of the Middle East.
Petrushka: The use of torture was exposed by WikiLeaks
The pictures from Abu Ghraib which brought the mistreatment of detainees to the notice of the American public were first published by CBS. Of course, everyone else in the world already knew, especially Iraqi mothers with children in detention.
Petrushka: Ah, how about the Democrats in the city and state who sat on their asses and failed to evacuate the city?
Bush put a political hack in charge of FEMA. Everything else followed from this decision.
Bush was in charge for eight months vs 8 YEARS of Clinton. Makes Democrats 12 tines more responsible.
SDN: Bush was in charge for eight months vs 8 YEARS of Clinton. Makes Democrats 12 tines more responsible.
The outgoing Clinton Administration made sure that the incoming Bush Administration was aware of the danger. Bush was provided a briefing weeks before that attack entitled “Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US”. Furthermore, they were urged to hold a meeting of the national security principals concerning the threat, but the first meeting was not held until 9-4-2001.
Could the attack have been stopped at that point? Perhaps, perhaps not, but they certainly should focused on the possibility. Most people give a pass to Bush concerning 9-11, but history has not been kind to his response.
Bush was in charge of the intelligence community, and there was ample warning that an attack was imminent. The Bush Administration was focused on Iraq, and stayed focused on Iraq even after 9-11.
Nice try but fake news in your statements. I won’t address them all, but you sure don’t know what you are talking about.
8 Years of Clinton were a failure to the intel community. 911 is a direct result of that. Dream on if you think that Bush could have turn the intel around in 8 months. To make matters worst, the Gore protest of the 2000 election made it even harder to establish the team and engage the US policy to set the course right. Stop ignoring how much the democrats and the Clinton transition hurt this country. Same with the crap the Dems and RINOs are pulling now.
Think about it, the first world trade center bombing and the USS Cole were huge Clinton failures and directly link Clinton’s inaction leading to 911. Talk about waking up and taking notice.
Just like the Russian BS and obstructionist democrats of 2017, their same tactic are putting us at risk for another 911 as the 2000 Gore idiots.
As for Iraq, Bush screwed up not by going in, but by bowing to his globalist supporter and placing Paul Bremer in charge. Stabilizing Iraq would have had a huge impact on stabilizing middle east and keeping Iran in its box. Bush blow that, I total agree. Policy was right, the execution was awful.
So it sounds like you agree with Trump on blaming Bush for 911. Hopeful Trump can clean his entrenched Intel before the next 911, unlike Bush. I give Trump credit, at least Trump is beefing up enforcement of immigration (why not after the 1st W. Trade Bombing). Entrenched holdovers are making the problem worst. Even a year after 911, Atta got his Visa status approval. 20 months in to office and the government was still messed up.
Mohamed Atta — Egyptian (43) — pilot
Born in Egypt in 1968.
Graduated from Cairo Univ. with degree in Architectural Engineering in 1990.
Obtained visitor visa in Berlin Germany, May 2000.
Entered U.S. at Newark on June 3, 2000 on tourist visa and given entry permit until December 2, 2000.
Applied in Sept. 2000 to INS for change in status to trainee.
Attended Huffman Aviation school in Venice Florida with al-Shehhi.
Arrested in Florida for driving without license, and failed to show up for court date — bench warrant issued.
Subsequently obtained Florida driver’s license.
Obtained FAA pilot’s certificate.
According to the 2/04 Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, had overstayed his entry permit as of Dec. 4, 2000.
Flew to Madrid Jan. 2001.
United Arab Emirate (UAE) authorities state Atta detained in January 2001 on basis of his name appearing on terrorist alert list, but was not held in absence of U.S. charges. UAE states that U.S. authorities were warned Atta intended to return to U.S.
Returned to U.S. on January 10, 2001 at Miami and was sent to secondary inspection because he acknowledged being in flight training but did not have required trainee visa. Interagency Border Information System (IBIS) database checked. Admitted by INS based on pending application for change to trainee status.
Moved to Georgia in Jan. 2001 for additional flight training with al-Shehhi.
Left U.S. and returned from Madrid on July 19, 2001 and given permission to stay until November 2, 2001.
Also lived in Hollywood and Coral Springs, Fla.
Received change of status approval by INS in September a year after the attacks.
MarkSmith: Nice try but fake news in your statements.
Briefing provided to Bush: “Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US”.
MarkSmith: Bush screwed up
Yes, that’s right.
MarkSmith: So it sounds like you agree with Trump on blaming Bush for 911.
Bin Laden is to blame for 9-11. Bush may have taken the threat more seriously, though whether it could have been prevented is not known. Most people give Bush a pass on 9-11. It’s his response to that and other issues that led to his losing support, both in the U.S. and in other countries.
Sorry Zachriel, but I have to comment on this too. It is so off base.
Petrushka: Ah, how about the Democrats in the city and state who sat on their asses and failed to evacuate the city?
Bush put a political hack in charge of FEMA. Everything else followed from this decision.
Michael Brown, yea, call him a hack, but the US government response was not bad. There was incredible amount of prep work done to prepare for it. It could have been a lot worst. It was a Cat. 5 hurricane, get a gripe and sense of reality.
It was a bad hurricane and blame goes mostly to Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin for their lack of action. That had zero to do with Brown.
I challenge you to tell me what Brown did wrong?
I use to hate Donna Brazile (NO native) but after seeing her speak about Katrina, I changed my mind and she is not so bad. Here is an article from CNN about her praising Bush on Katrina.
Check out this left leaning article from politico from Brown.
Sir I disagree with this statement “Everything else followed from this decision.”
MarkSmith: Michael Brown, yea, call him a hack
Brown WAS a political hack. Days after Katrina hit, he still didn’t know there were hundreds of refugees at the Convention Center without food, water, or sanitation.
No one could have predicted!
No matter who pays the bills at Wikileaks, they have a 100% accuracy rate – nothing they have publicly released has ever been debunked. The MSM could take some lessons from Wikileaks on the vetting of information.
Paid commie BS.
Peddle your nonsense to people that will believe the rantings of the insane.
In other words, peddle it to some prog comment page.
Apparently Trumps best ‘jobs program’ is getting commies paid to comment on this site!
R u a bot?
“Bush’s low approvals wasn’t related to his performance in office; 9/11, the debacle of Iraq based on claimed WMD, the metastasizing of the insurgency, the use of torture, the feckless response to Katrina, and overseeing the collapse of the global economy, among many reasons….”
Man, do you have this wrong. Bush’s approval ratings SKYROCKETED after 9/11 – his performance was brilliant.
The debacle in Iraq (we won – but your boy obama stole the victory and gave it back to iran) was no debacle – just in the democrat media. (Duh, what a surprise.)
The ‘collapse’ of the global economy? It was recession – they happen all the time. Sometimes they happen for EIGHT YEARS IN A ROW, like when your boy obama sabotaged the economy, leaving us with $22 TRILLION in debt.
Obama’s approval ratings are below 50%. So even wearing the largest media diaper in the history of media – and diapers – this putz couldn’t break through with half the nation.
Now take Bush, who ridiculously avoided confrontation and the media fake news against him ‘took.’If the media did the same thing to obama, he’d be at 10%, and/or in jail.
Now look at hiillary clinton – the ONLY losing presidential candidate to get LESS popular after the election: her media diaper was even bigger – her biggest problem was that, being the smartest woman in the world, and believing her own press, she didn’t think she needed to wear it much – except when getting debate questions in advance.
Just like in grade school, a bully’s teasing and nicknames will stick unless you give him/her a bloody nose.
Bush’s biggest sin was avoiding the confrontation that he so desperately needed to take on, for the sake of the nation. In other words, he helped give us the malignant contrivance of ‘barack hussein obama’ and his bizarre beard of a lunatic wife. (His bigger sin was delegating this duty to Karl Rove, who rose to his level of incompetence in Bush’s administration.)
Well said, well said!
TheFineReport: Bush’s approval ratings SKYROCKETED after 9/11 – his performance was brilliant.
Sure. People rallied. However, his policies, such as the invasion and ensuing implosion of Iraq, led to a deterioration of his support.
TheFineReport: The debacle in Iraq (we won – but your boy obama stole the victory and gave it back to iran) was no debacle
What? There were bombs going off in the capital and other major cities of Iraq as Bush left office.
• 1/2/2009: At least 23 people have been killed and 110 injured in a suicide bombing in Yusufiya, a town south of Baghdad.
• 1/4/2009: A female suicide bomber blows herself up among a crowd of pilgrims worshipping at the Imam Mousa al-Kazim shrine in northern Baghdad, killing 38 people and wounding 72.
• 1/6/2009: A suicide car bomber wounded five policemen and three civilians, striking their patrol in Mosul.
• 1/24/2009: A suicide car bomber killed five policemen and wounded 13 other people, including six police officers, at a checkpoint in Garma.
That’s not “victory”.
TheFineReport: The ‘collapse’ of the global economy? It was recession – they happen all the time.
The financial meltdown at the end of the Bush Administration was far worse than any since the Great Depression.
A financial meltdown created by you D commies, aided and abetted by the R commie lite party.
We won in Iraq? LOL.
BTW, that is the only laugh I have ever gotten out of Iraq.
Bush’s approval rating dropped because he wouldn’t fight back against the lies and slander of the type that you just posted.
Hard to believe people defend Bush’s policies considering they led to debacle after debacle. Then again, it’s probably a matter of perspective.
MikaJoe are sure desperate for guests when they go to Willie Geist for “expert opinion”. Wasn’t Krusty the Clown available?
Note to establishment corruptocrats: “Shut up!” is not the solution for the “Fake News” problem. Tweeting works great. Every morning is like Christmas since Trump started running for president.
Willie Geist? My Goodness!
You mean Willie survived Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory?????
To Progressives, the ideal Republican President is a punching bag. That’s hardly a good reason to give them one.
I will settle for one who is not profoundly ignorant. ‘Nobody knew health care could be so complicated’
I have an idea. Stop selective editing. Stop your OBVIOUS liberal bias. Stop making up FAKE NEWS. Stop attacking the outsider who left the private sector to help yank our country out of the clutches of the globalists. Just report FACTS and my guess is the negative WH tweets will slow down. Just a guess.
“yank our country out of the clutches of the globalists.” Yeah, much better to let China do a deal with our potential TPP partners.
Just where are the bilateral deals that were going to be so much better? If you can’t think of one, you an always answer with an insult.
The “resistance” (that includes the GOPe) is doing everything it can to prevent Trump from fulfilling his agenda, then mocks his “failing agenda” as if it’s his fault. If the resistance truly thought Trump is as stupid and incompetent as they think he is, they’d leave him alone and cheer from the sidelines as his administration imploded. The fact that the resistance is applying continuous pressure to derail his administration is proof positive that they don’t really believe their own propaganda. They’re afraid of him as they were afraid of Palin (as they admitted long after torpedoing her).
The media destroyed the dignity of the office long before Trump got there and are not likely to restore it for any Republican President in the future. I’m sure they would prefer a punching bag like George Bush, but Trump ain’t Bush. American politics has evolved. Or devolved. Take your pick.
The media will see to it that surrogates sent out to counter-punch for Trump are not given a voice, rendering them useless. The enemy always has a say in how any battle is fought and the media is a formidable foe for any Republican President. We should be thankful that an unfiltered mechanism like Twitter exists, even if some of Trump’s more cringe-worthy tweets might make you a bit uncomfortable. I hope his tweets are for the most part true and if the truth lies low, well, then so be it.
Well, apparently, Mika DID have a “tweak” to her chin at the time- acknowledged by Mika and Joe- so Trump’s tweet was true.
My only suggestion to President Trump is what my mother used to tell me, “You need a pocketful of periods.” If he’d not tweeted, “She was bleeding badly from a facelift,” but had just left it at their begging to come to the New Year’s Eve party and “I said no!” he would have been “playing the game” like women do- snarky rules! He hit back like a guy, not underhandedly like a girl.
Sorry, ladies, we DO fight underhandedly- especially women like Mika. Women like her always PRETEND to be honorable and kind- they’re only saying mean things for your own good, don’t you know. Why do you think that the character type is in almost all chick flicks and t.v. shows? Nellie Olsen on “Little House on the Prairie,” Catherine Merkuel in “Cruel Intentions.” They’re archetypal- and NEVER recognize themselves! A woman would have tweeted, “I won’t say that she was looking rough from a facelift, so I said no.” That’s how a woman would have done it.
“That’s how a woman would have done it.”
So, you suggest Trump should act like a woman?
Nope, he should have stopped before he mentioned the facelift- he could have deleted that whole sentence and made his point that they were begging to come to his party and he said”No.”
Donald Trump can’t fight like a girl, no matter how hard he tried- his mind doesn’t work in “bit@#y” mode.
Fair enough.
If it had been Psycho Joe that had the facelift, and Trump said the same thing but directed at him, what would your reaction be?
Since this pair have been calling Trump vile names for months and pushing fake news for months, and the President decided to call them out for it, why would you expect him to be nice?
I’d certainly have said a lot worse than the factual fact that the low IQ mika had a facelift. I’m never going to be nice to those engaged in an attempt to strip me of freedom and liberty.
I guess people like you will just never get it.
You don’t get style points in politics. It’s whatever works and considering the historic built-in handicaps Trump is saddled with, he truly is a “mad genius”. Enjoy it while you can. Or if truth is too “icky” for you, maybe you should sit this one out.
Merlin, you’re 100% right.
President Trump is doing all this for the “Forgotten Americans!”
Only if the press remains as obsequious to DJT as it was to Comrade Sheikh Buraq Hussein Obama.
“My job is to ensure the success of the Buraq Hussein Obama presidency” Chris Matthews, MSNBC host.
Carl Bernstein, MSM folk hero of Watergate fame, to a group of ‘journOlists’ some months back “You have a moral obligastion tgo destroy Donald Trump”
Of course there is also the other obvious option…Joe and Low IQ Mika could just show Trump the same respect and curtesy they showed Obama for 8 years?
BWAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAA…who the fu9k are we kidding
Of course there is also the other obvious option…Pyscho Joe and Low IQ Mika…
You can poke a bunny and grab it by its tail, and be a cruel little a-hole all you want without consequence.
You don’t poke a rattlesnake, or grab it by its tail. Everybody knows that.
Mika and her cuck boyfriend got what they asked for. If they want a ‘presidential’ President, they should start by treating him ‘presidentially’.
And there’s the rub. The MSM isn’t acting with civility, respect, or professionalism. Yet they’re demanding those things from Trump because he’s the President. But they’re erstwhile professionals with an important role to play in the republic too, but they’ve abandoned their posts.
“…whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Or, as we say today, “Don’t start no sh*t, there won’t be no sh*t.”
Someone on Morning Joe said stop attacking people on Morning Joe.
I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.
I don’t care that Bush did or not defend himself from attacks from the media, be they true or false. I do not support any specific politician, I support ideas. Bush did absolutely nothing for 8 years while the media trashed my values and ideas on a daily basis. For this, he has earned my enmity. I wish Trump would do more to promote free markets and liberty and less with personal attacks on media types, but he is on a trajectory to achieve far more than worthless Bush ever did.
Bush stayed silent for 8 long years while media and Dems pounded him. That was presidential. Media pounding the Pres while he sits still like Mt Rushmore. Now the tables have turned the Pres is firing back and media crying like babies. It’s kinda nice having a Repub handing it back to the talking heads.
I’d say the same applies to the on-air “talent” — they need to grow the same thick skin.
Or to put it another way, they shouldn’t dish it out if they can’t take it.
I think that by singling out certain media personalities for criticism, President Trump is conferring upon them a perceived legitimacy that is utterly undeserved.
It’s not an ideal situation, because the natural (and, often justified) inclination — for anyone, in any field — is to offer a pointed rebuttal when made the subject of unfair criticism. But, I think ignoring these twits is a far more effective response than engaging in a tit-for-tat salvo, thus making them feel as though they’re relevant and worthy of attention. The Leftist media is going to perpetually criticize Trump, a phenomenon as immutable as the Sun rising in the morning, so, Trump’s energy is better spent on getting his agenda through Congress.
Completely wrong. What Trump is doing is similar to what bloggers do to discipline obnoxiously abusive commenters.They bring up “above the fold” where those who read the comments can also see what an a-hole the commenter and then systematically disembowels them. That is what he is systematically doing with, so far, the cable “news” channels and their small audiences.
As the “fake news” label becomes unshakable to daily exposes with tweets, I expect Trump to spread the pain to BezWaPo and SlimTimes and the major networks. I expect the former will insist on suffering extinction by steamroller but the networks may modify their approaches. Maybe.
“They bring them up “above the fold” where those who don’t read the comments can also see what an a-hole the commenter is while they systematically disembowel them.
Great, Phil; you believe that I’m “completely wrong.” I’m glad you’re so self-assured in believing that. Your perspective is infallible, and, anyone who thinks otherwise on this issue is “completely wrong,” obviously. Whatever you say.
Phil — let’s put the media aside for one moment. I’m thinking about the bigger picture — as in, Trump expanding his base of political support, winning over voters who who are on the fence and in “wait and see” mode. The ultimate goal being to get his agenda through Congress.
Do you really think that Trump’s Twitter antics are helping him to win over skeptics and critics who might otherwise be converted into supporters? Sure, Trump’s base eats this stuff up — but, is his agenda getting anywhere? The Courts and the “Resistance” Dumb-o-crats are fighting tooth, nail and claw to stifle Trump’s agenda. I want tax reform passed. I want Obamacare repealed. How is that going? This crap doesn’t help to advance that.
These childish media retorts are a distraction. Trump needs all hands on deck to move his agenda forward. He needs to build on his fairly narrow base of support. The most foolish thing for conservatives to do at the moment is to fall into a state of complacency and believe that Trump is invincible, running as an incumbent in 2020. The electorate is fickle. If they perceive Trump as not getting anything done, they’ll toss him out.
He’s 70 years old and he’s not going to change. If he’s hit he’s going to hit back. It’s just the way he is. The NY Times running 5 stories on this is insane. It’s just not that important.
But then again, GWB never stood up for himself, and suffered immensely, and it destroyed his presidency.
His inaction did worse than destroy his presidency – it destroyed a part of our nation by allowing ‘hope and change.’
But then again, GWB never stood up for himself, and suffered immensely, and it destroyed his presidency.
I have a better idea – have the media treat tromp the way they treated Obama. Now that’s a solution!
Enough with these two idiots.
Move on to news, not gossip.
Saw this on FB this morning and thought it was an interesting perspective on past Presidents being “Presidential”.
Posted by: Drew Nickell
Hmmm…let’s see now…
President Harry Truman once threatened to cripple a reporter who panned his grown daughter’s piano recital;
President John F. Kennedy regularly swam naked in the White House pool with two young women (also naked) he called “Fiddle” and “Faddle,” and had regular trysts with scores of women in the White House;
President Lyndon Johnson held impromptu press gaggles while sitting on the “john” doing…ahem…”big business”…ahem;
President Bill Clinton received fellatio in the Oval Office and inserted his cigar into… (won’t finish the sentence);
…and President Donald Trump tweeted what?
Gimme a break, for cryin’ out loud !
Clinton’s oval office cigar humidor had a surgeon general’s warning on the side that stated:
“Caution: These cigars may cause a yeast infection.”
Why would Clinton need a cigar humidor? Seems the cigars would stay moist given how he used them.
Mika and Joe got the same respect they showed the President. Why are they crying and having every lefty cuck protect them?
Notice how Joe and Mika are acting like the bullies down the block who just got the old man to come out and stomp of the burning bag of guano.
Briefing provided to Bush: “Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US”.
Dude, he got the briefing like one month before and who knows if he really got the briefing. What about the 8 Frickin years of Clinton before.
Sorry, it was a huge Intel failure with Clinton leading the charge and Gore obstructing Intel progress. I place 20% blame of Bush for being a wimp and caving to the democrats, but I place 80% on the Clinton’s Admin. You have cherry pick a small piece of the big picture to distort the truth. I say you are being very dishonest.
Same to point the Katrina all on Brown. Governor Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin are to blame. BFD if Brown did not know about the people at the convention center. Was the US government sitting on it hands or helping out? Again, you are very dishonest. Who cares if he was a hack, decisions by the US government to help were not hindered by Brown.
Great, Phil; you believe that I’m “completely wrong.” I’m glad you’re so self-assured in believing that. Your perspective is infallible, and, anyone who thinks otherwise on this issue is “completely wrong,” obviously. Whatever you say.
Phil — let’s put the media aside for one moment. I’m thinking about the bigger picture — as in, Trump expanding his base of political support, winning over voters who who are on the fence and in “wait and see” mode. The ultimate goal being to get his agenda through Congress.
Do you really think that Trump’s Twitter antics are helping him to win over skeptics and critics who might otherwise be converted into supporters? Sure, Trump’s base eats this stuff up — but, is his agenda getting anywhere? The Courts and the “Resistance” Dumb-o-crats are fighting tooth, nail and claw to stifle Trump’s agenda. I want tax reform passed. I want Obamacare repealed. How is that going? This crap doesn’t help to advance that.
These childish media retorts are a distraction. Trump needs all hands on deck to move his agenda forward. He needs to build on his fairly narrow base of support. The most foolish thing for conservatives to do at the moment is to fall into a state of complacency and believe that Trump is invincible, running as an incumbent in 2020. The electorate is fickle. If they perceive Trump as not getting anything done, they’ll toss him out.