Kathy Griffin’s Pity Party of a Press Conference

“I’m not afraid of Donald Trump. He’s a bully. I’ve dealt with old, white guys trying to keep me down my whole life, my whole career,” began Griffith, during her pity party Friday afternoon.

Griffith was fired from CNN after she posed with a bloody, decapitated likeness of President Trump’s head.

She released a short video, apologizing for “crossing the line”, and apology she reiterated during the press conference.

“A sitting president of the United States, and his grown children, and the first lady are personally — I feel, trying to ruin my life forever,” said Griffin who lamented being under investigation by the Secret Service.

Gloria Allred, Griffin’s attorney, said the actions (presumably the Secret Service investigation) were “unpresidential” and that no other first family has taken issue with humor attacking a sitting president.

No one made Griffin pose in an ISIS-like image with a bloody, Trump head. None of what followed happened to Griffin, a poor, innocent victim of circumstance. Everything Griffin is experiencing is a natural consequence of her poor decision. A lesson she clearly hasn’t learned.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Culture, Trump Derangement Syndrome