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Harvard Law School’s Choice for New Dean Draws Praise From Conservatives

Harvard Law School’s Choice for New Dean Draws Praise From Conservatives

“This is a fantastic choice”

It’s not every day that an academic appointment gets praise from conservatives so this is noteworthy.

The Daily Caller reports:

Conservatives Dig The New Harvard Law School Dean

Harvard Law School named professor John Manning as its new dean Tuesday, soliciting praise from conservative and libertarian legal scholars.

Manning, who clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia and Judge Robert Bork, joined Harvard Law’s faculty in 2004. He teaches public law and statutory interpretation.

“This is a fantastic choice,” said professor Jonathan Adler, architect of several legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act. “Professor Manning is a superlative scholar and extraordinarily decent man. Congratulations to all.”

Professor Robert George, a prominent philosopher, jurist and conservative intellectual at Princeton endorsed the move.

Ed Whelan, a Scalia clerk and legal commentator who leads the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, called the development “excellent news.”


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