Democrats and Republicans Put Politics on the Back Burner at Congressional Baseball Game
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Democrats and Republicans Put Politics on the Back Burner at Congressional Baseball Game

Democrats and Republicans Put Politics on the Back Burner at Congressional Baseball Game

Nothing brings people together like baseball

The Congressional Baseball game is a 108-year-old tradition and one of the best annual showings of bipartisanship.

This year, a day after Rep. Steve Scalise was shot and severely injured during baseball practice, a public display of unity and civility was desperately needed. And that’s exactly what happened.

Before the game began, both Republican and Democrat teams held a moment of silence and prayer at second base, where Rep. Scalise was supposed to play

The Congressional Chorus lead the crowd in the national anthem

Still on crutches, David Bailey, one of the Capitol Police Officers injured in Wednesday’s shooting, threw out the first pitch

And these guys got the game started

Everyone wore purple and gold to support Rep. Scalise, a proud LSU Alum

And these two sat down for a joint interview

25,000 people showed up to watch the game

Including members of the first family

President Trump addressed the crowd

And in the ultimate show of sportsmanship, Democrats gave their trophy to Rep. Scalise

And a whopping $1.5 million was raised for charity

Baseball is truly America’s game.

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How come Congressmen can pray before a game but this Washington high school coach placed on leave for praying on field? If you look at the photo accompanying the article, it looks identical to the one Kemberlee posted at the top. Another example of the “rules” applying only to the little people?

    Kemberlee Kaye in reply to snopercod. | June 16, 2017 at 12:52 pm

    Federal vs. local government rules.

    JOHN B in reply to snopercod. | June 16, 2017 at 9:54 pm

    Because people know that most of the Congress members were not really praying…and the left likes a good show to hide their hatred of religion.

    The high school kids might actually have been praying – to someone other than Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Castro et al.

The players may have been good, but CNN remained the same.

healthguyfsu | June 16, 2017 at 9:43 am

The aides aren’t as partisan and nasty to each other as their masters at least in my experience with state politicians.

Geez, and the ACLU hasn’t yet filed a suit to preclude such demonstrations of religious affiliated activity? I’m amazed!!

Democrats N-E-V-E-R put politics aside…

Subotai Bahadur | June 16, 2017 at 6:52 pm

To be honest, I would have preferred it if the Republican team refused to play with the Democrats after one of theirs tried to murder them.