Conservative Student Flees Emerson College Over Harassment

This story is particularly depressing for me because I went to Emerson. I wasn’t very interested in politics back then but I don’t remember the school being anything like this.

The College Fix reports:

Conservative student flees small Boston college after year of harassmentWhat Lexie Kaufman loves most about Emerson College is its academics. A journalism major, she praised that department and its impressive television studios on campus.But she won’t be returning for her sophomore year to the small, Boston-based liberal arts school, what she considered her “dream college” when she entered as a freshman.“It’s a shame, in the end,” she said in a recent interview with The College Fix. “It’s been nothing but awful to me.”Why so? Because she’s a conservative, and the constant bullying from peers she received over her freshman year sent her packing.It started during her first days on campus, when Kaufman faced the wrath of her classmates simply because of her political views. In high school, she wrote for The Odyssey Online and the conservative opinions she proffered therein made her disliked immediately at Emerson, she said.“I walked into this school not being liked by a lot of people, getting nasty stares, getting weird comments on my whiteboard on my door …” she said.She lost friends over the presidential election and was scared to leave her room in the days following, she added.

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives


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