Harvard started going down this road last year so it’s no surprise that other schools are jumping on board.
The Daily Caller reports:
Single-Gender Organizations A Form Of ‘Discrimination’ At New York Collegehe University of Rochester’s student government has decided that participation in single-gender organizations is a form of “discrimination.”The ruling from Rochester’s All-Campus Judicial Council (ACJC) applies to 37 student organizations, spanning from club sports and a cappella groups to Greek life, reported Campus Reform Tuesday.While several student government representatives tried to exempt Greek life from the ruling, arguing the groups do not receive funding from the school’s Student Association, Rochester’s ACJC said they could still be subjected to the ruling since they use resources funded by the Student Association.Rochester’s student government identified phrases like “any and all women” and “men of principle” as potentially violating the Friday ruling.The president and vice president of Rochester’s Student Association insisted that the 37 impacted organizations will proceed with “normal operations” through the 2017-2018 school year. ACJC also stated that the school’s Administration and Review Committee (also student-run) will have final say on affected organizations.