U. Colorado Sets Up Special ‘Social Justice’ Dorm


The people who would choose to live in a dorm like this are the ones who most need to be exposed to other ideas.

Heat Street reports:

U of Colorado Sets up ‘Social Justice Dorm’ for Special Snowflake StudentsSheltered campus leftists need safe spaces apart from society to avoid being triggered by microaggressions. To that end, the University of Colorado at Boulder is dedicating one of its residence halls to transform it into a “Social Justice Living Environment.”Hallett Hall will be partitioned into three sections, including one for “LBGTQIA-identified students and their allies,” another for “students passionate about diversity,” and one specially for “black-identified students and their allies.” As a “black-identified” person, transblack media personality Rachel Dolezal would certainly feel at home at Hallett Hall were she a full time enrolled student at Boulder.At present, the hall hosts “Spectrum LLC” (“Living Learning Communities”) for its LGBTQIA students, which offers “social and educational activities focusing on community dialogue and support” and access to gender-neutral bathrooms. But starting this fall, the hall will be expanded with “Multicultural Perspectives LLC” and “Lucile B. Buchanan” for diversity-passionate students and “black-identifying” students, respectively.

Tags: College Insurrection, Social Justice