Trump at Liberty University: “We don’t worship government; we worship God”

Speaking to the 2017 graduating class at Liberty University, President Trump stated:  “In America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.”

A clear rebuke of the regressive left, for whom government is the be all and end all, Trump’s statement resonates with American voters who were sickened and disgusted by Obama’s “me, me, me” reign in which he frequently bemoaned the fact that he wasn’t “emperor” or deeply regretted that he didn’t have the totalitarian power of “the president of China.”

The Washington Post reports:

In his first commencement address as president, Donald Trump on Saturday drew a parallel between what he faces as a political outsider in Washington and what he said the Christian graduates of Liberty University can expect to encounter in a secular world.“Be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed power structures,” Trump said. “Does that sound familiar, by the way?””Relish the opportunity to be an outsider,” he continued. “Embrace that label. Being an outsider is fine. Embrace the label, because it’s the outsiders who change the world and who make a real and lasting difference. The more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead.”Trump’s address was short on scripture but cast the president as a defender of the Christian faith — a mantle he assumed throughout the campaign.”In America, we don’t worship government,” Trump declared at one point. “We worship God.”

The president chose to break a tradition of sorts in delivering his first commencement address as president at Liberty University.

WaPo continues:

[T]he president received a warm reception on Saturday from the roughly 50,000 commencement attendees — a record crowd for the university, he proudly declared. Falwell said Trump is the second sitting president to deliver a commencement address at Liberty; George H.W. Bush spoke in 1990.Falwell also said he was honored that Trump picked Liberty for his first commencement speech. Several presidents, including Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, have spoken first at the University of Notre Dame. The White House dispatched Vice President Mike Pence to the Notre Dame commencement Saturday.

Highlights from the president’s commencement address were published by Liberty University on Twitter:


Tags: Trump Speech