Scarborough: Trump a “Jackass” who leaked info about group “that killed 20 little girls and their mothers last night”

On today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough  said that President Trump “revealed himself as the jackass that leaked top secret Israeli intel,”  adding that the intel that President Trump allegedly leaked was “about somebody on the inside of a terror organization that killed 20 little girls and their mothers last night.”

Scarborough first observed that in denying that he had mentioned Israel in his meeting with the Russians, Trump was denying something of which he had not been accused. Scarborough said that was like a man who runs into a police station saying “my wife’s missing and it’s not my gun that’s at the bottom of the pond in the back of our house by her body.”

In 2011, when on Morning Joe Mark Halperin called then President Obama a “d–k,” Joe Scarborough was furious that the seven-second delay hadn’t prevented the word from going out over the air. Scarborough ominously announced, “we’re going to have a meeting after the show.” MSNBC subsequently suspended Halperin indefinitely for his remark.

Let’s acknowledge that “jackass” is not as objectionable as the term Halperin used.  But if a network host had called President Obama a jackass, we can imagine the MSM outcry that would have ensued.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name Israel. Never mentioned it in the conversation. They were all saying I did. So you had another story wrong. Never mentioned the word Israel.MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Of course, Joe, no one ever said the president mentioned Israel in that meeting with the Russians. The focus was on the actual secrets he was spilling to Moscow and national security H.R. McMaster has said that trump never actually knew the source.JOE SCARBOROUGH: Mike Barnicle, if you are scoring at home and you’re trying to figure out, trying to divide the actions between malicious and just plain out stupid, you can put this on the stupid side. This is like the husband that runs down to the police station and says, hey, hey, hey, my wife’s missing and it’s not my gun that’s at the bottom of the pond in the back of our house by her body. And the police are like, hold it one second. Can we just — we’re going to cuff you to the radiator here. We need to go check your pond.Admitting to something that nobody charged him of. And yet in so doing, revealed himself as the jackass that leaked top secret Israeli intel. By the way, intel about somebody on the inside of a terror organization that killed 20 little girls and their mothers last night.  

Tags: Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe, Trump Press Relations