If Supreme Court Vacancy Opens Up This Summer, Expect Liberal Freakout

The liberal freakout over the recent confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court was just a preview. If another vacancy opens up this summer, we’ll see the main attraction.

And just so you know, there is already talk of another vacancy.

Max Greenwood writes at The Hill:

Grassley: There will be a Supreme Court vacancy this yearA top GOP senator is predicting another vacancy on the Supreme Court this year.”Every year you get these rumors. Somebody’s going to quit. Everybody looking – ‘Have they hired their clerks?’ Etcetera, etcetera. You know, are they sick or something?” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers.”“I don’t know who it’s going to be, but I think we’re going to have [a vacancy] yet this year,” he added.Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he did not know of any particular justice who was planning to leave the court, saying only that he had “just heard rumors, no name attached to it.”The Iowa Republican has made a similar prediction before, saying last month that he expected one of the justices to resign sometime this summer.

The whispers have already begun. Ryan Lovelace of the Washington Examiner:

Rumors of Supreme Court vacancy spark liberal panicThe potential for another Supreme Court vacancy coming open later this year appears to have liberals panicking.Rumors of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement have swirled for months but recently reached a fever pitch inside the Beltway. Shortly after the presidential election in November, the Supreme Court shot down speculation that Kennedy would leave the high court this year. But Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Chuck Grassley of Iowa, both Senate Judiciary Committee members, have said that they expect another vacancy this summer.Elizabeth Wydra, president of the liberal Constitutional Accountability Center, wrote an opinion piece this week urging, “Justice Kennedy, don’t abandon your legacy.””In the Trump era — with a Senate confirmation process now subject to a simple majority vote, thanks to McConnell and Senate Republicans — it is impossible to imagine any stronger or more able steward of Justice Kennedy’s legacy than Kennedy himself,” Wydra wrote. “Despite all the pressure and pointed rumors of his retirement, he surely realizes this.

This won’t end well for the left.

Joseph P. Williams of U.S. News and World Report:

Trump: Next Supreme Court Nominee Will Come From Conservative ListResponding to rumors that a senior justice on the U.S. Supreme Court could step down this summer, President Donald Trump reportedly plans to fill any vacancy from a hand-picked list of conservative jurists compiled by a pair of powerful Washington think tanks and delivered to him during the 2016 presidential campaign.Trump told The Washington Times on Sunday he’s heard chatter about the possible retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, a member of the court’s five-member conservative bloc but who sometimes sides with his liberal colleagues. If Kennedy leaves, Trump said, he’ll pick a replacement from the 21-member list of jurists given to him by the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society.

Get ready for more marches and theatrics from liberals when this happens, not that they’ll be able to do much about it.

Tags: Chuck Grassley, Liberals, US Supreme Court