Hillary’s Sour Whine: Still Can’t Accept Why She Lost

Hillary Clinton appeared at the Women for Women International event on Tuesday. Seated on stage next to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour who moderated, Clinton went through the obligatory process of saying she would have won, but…

She then went through a tired laundry list of excuses.

Philip Rucker writes at the Washington Post:

‘I would be your president’: Clinton blames Russia, FBI chief for 2016 election lossHillary Clinton emerged from political hibernation Tuesday by declaring herself “part of the resistance” to Donald Trump’s presidency — and spreading blame for why it is not her sitting in the Oval Office.Making a rare public appearance, Clinton attributed her surprise loss in the 2016 election to interference by Russian hackers and the actions of FBI Director James B. Comey in the campaign’s homestretch.“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” Clinton told moderator Christiane Amanpour, the CNN anchor, at a Women for Women International event in New York.Clinton stated broadly that she takes “absolute personal responsibility” for her failure to win the White House. Yet the Democratic nominee declined to fault her strategy or message, nor did she acknowledge her own weak­nesses as a campaigner or the struggles by her and her advisers to at first comprehend and then respond to the angry mood of broad swaths of the electorate.Instead, Clinton attributed her defeat to a range of external ­forces, including saying she was a victim of misogyny and of “false equivalency” in the news media.Clinton said she was confident that she was on track to winning the election until two things reversed her momentum: the release of campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, which were allegedly stolen by Russian hackers, and Comey’s Oct. 28 letter to Congress that he had reopened the bureau’s investigation into her use of a private email server.

Here’s a clip that has it all. Hillary goes through the litany of reasons she lost the election. She seems pretty bitter about the whole thing:

Twitchy has collected some reactions to this:

This guy pretty much nails it.

There are many Democrats who will never get over the loss of the 2016 election.

Hillary is one of them.

Tags: 2016 Election, Hillary Clinton, James Comey