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Emory U. to Pay 100 Percent of Financial Needs for Illegal Immigrant Students

Emory U. to Pay 100 Percent of Financial Needs for Illegal Immigrant Students

“Need-Based Financial Aid Program for Undocumented Students”

What a great time to be in America illegally. Emory University will give you a free college education.

The Daily Caller reports:

University Will Pay ‘100 Percent’ Of Illegal Students’ Financial Needs

Emory University is keen to pay “100 percent of demonstrated financial need for undocumented students (with or without DACA) who are admitted as first-year, first-degree-seeking students,” according to an online description of coming fall program.

As The College Fix reports, the private Atlanta university has given the take care of illegals program the unwieldy name of “Need-Based Financial Aid Program for Undocumented Students, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) Students” and the information is all available on their website.

There’s money galore for illegals. “All Undocumented Students (with or without DACA) who are admitted as first-year, first-degree-seeking undergraduate students, who have graduated from a U.S. high school, and who are determined by Emory to have financial need, will be awarded Emory financial aid funds to assist them in meeting their demonstrated need,” the website promo declares.


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Walker Evans | May 7, 2017 at 5:22 pm

Once a student has been identified as “undocumented” (an illegal alien) they should be picked up and sent back to their actual country of origin/citizenship immediately. Proof of illegal entry should be considered due process for this action.

Understand, I am not anti-immigrant; my family came here from elsewhere but did so legally. They were anxious to learn the language and assimilate into society, to become Americans in every way. They did not want to make this country into a copy of the one they had left; had they wanted to live that way they would have stayed where they were and not gone through the trouble to emigrate. My problem is with those who choose to make breaking the law their first action as they enter the country. I’ve traveled; I’m aware of the conditions some of these people are trying to flee, but I’m also aware that these are the same conditions that the legal immigrants faced yet they still managed to come here within the law. These are the people I respect and admire, not the lawbreakers.