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DePaul University Raising Student Fees to Fund Scholarships for Illegals

DePaul University Raising Student Fees to Fund Scholarships for Illegals

“margin of 1,684 votes in favor”

You would think students would be outraged by this. We’ve seen campus protests for tuition hikes at other schools.

Campus Reform reports:

DePaul hikes student fees to fund scholarships for illegals

DePaul University is hiking student fees to finance a scholarship fund for illegal immigrant students.

Students approved a campus-wide student government referendum, spearheaded by the Undocumented Vincentians and Allies student group, that calls for a $2.00 quarterly increase in the Student Activity Fee to fund the scholarship program.

The referendum passed by a lopsided margin of 1,684 votes in favor compared to just 302 votes against, likely benefitting from the extremely favorable language used to describe the proposal.

“Each year, undocumented undergraduate students who do not have access to federal financial aid (FAFSA) undergo a financial gap often exceeding $17,000 (not including room and board),” the ballot stated. “Should we support our fellow students who, like we, dream of obtaining an education from DePaul by creating a scholarship fund initiated by a $2 quarterly addition to our Student Activity Fee?”

Soon after, the Student Government Association announced that Father Dennis Holtscheider, DePaul’s president, had approved the fee hike, and that school officials hope to fully implement the scholarship by September.

This was not enough for the DePaul Socialists, who penned an op-ed in The Depaulia complaining that the scholarship is being funded by student fees, rather than the university’s endowment.

Featured image via YouTube.


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So … the University explicitly demands that its students become accomplices in its plan to support criminal activity.

Interesting. All we need now if for ICE to announce it will be subpoena the names and addresses of all students taking advantage of this program. Then, too, and member of the administration in contact with this program is supporting an illegal alien and subject to arrest and trial.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | May 22, 2017 at 6:34 pm

I can’t wait for DePaul’s enrollment to drop 20% to 25% or more like the University of Missouri’s did for the past 2 years……