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Conference at Yale Compares Conservatives to KKK and Nazis

Conference at Yale Compares Conservatives to KKK and Nazis

“far-right wing of the American political spectrum”

This is a straight up denial of reality. It’s not conservatives who are running around in black shirts stomping on the rights of others and starting fires on campuses to silence free speech.

Campus Reform reports:

Yale conference compares conservatives to KKK, Nazis

A Yale University conference is soliciting papers comparing the “racist right” to “previous racist groups…[like] conservative and authoritarian religious and nationalist groups.”

The fifth annual Conference of the International Consortium for Research on Anti-Semitism and Racism will focus specifically on “Racism, Antisemitism, and the Radical Right,” implying that the recent increase in anti-Semitism is a conservative phenomenon.

The conference, set for September, will be hosted by The Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism and the Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration.

Organizers recently put out a call for papers, asking applicants to focus their work on the “alt-right” and other “far-right wing” groups that have emerged from “recent political events.”

“Recent political events in the United States have turned the spotlight on what for many years has been a shadowy phenomenon: the existence of openly racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, homophobic, and misogynistic groups on the far-right wing of the American political spectrum,” the prompt begins, then alleging that far-right groups are responsible for “the increase in hate crimes since the Presidential election.”


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Yale has won the spotlight as the most useless of the prestige schools. It is completely dominated by its affirmative action students and Grievance Studies instructors.

Walker Evans | May 7, 2017 at 4:53 pm

So some unnamed far-right groups are the ones dressing up in black outfits and masks, claiming to be Antifa (anti-fascist) but using pure fascist thuggery on anyone who dares hold a different viewpoint? Based on the available evidence, I am unconvinced … you might even say that I “call BS” on the idea!