Calls Grow for Reopening of Hillary Investigation After Comey Ouster

Now that James Comey is out at the FBI, a growing chorus is suggesting that the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal should be reopened. Professor Jacobson said in a recent post:

James Comey now is fired. Loretta Lynch no longer is Attorney General. This seems to open up the possibility of a renewed investigation and potential prosecution.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch is now making a similar point.

Cheryl K. Chumley writes at the Washington Times:

Hillary Clinton’s email scandal — the hit that keeps on comingOnce again, Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is rocking national news.It truly is the news hit that just keeps on coming, isn’t it?From Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton, writing in Breitbart: “We have released 894 pages of State Department documents that include previously unreleased email exchanges in which Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin sent Clinton classified information through her insecure email account.”Come on now, Mrs. Clinton. Even for you — the queen of political scandals whose past includes everything from curiously large cattle share profits to remarkably insensitive congressional testimonies laced with “who cares” cries about truth — this scandal is long-running.Can we at least get a solid number on how many emails sent and received during your State Department tenure put the country at security risk? That’d be good — even a ballpark figure would work at this point.“The Abedin emails also include repeated instances of Clinton’s detailed daily schedules being sent to top Clinton Foundation officials at unsecured email addresses,” Fitton wrote.

Fitton appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show last night and expanded on this:

Andrew McCabe, the new Acting Director of the FBI testified on Thursday that Comey’s decision not to pursue prosecution of Hillary Clinton didn’t sit well with many insiders.

Adam Shaw reports at FOX News:

McCabe says FBI call not to prosecute Clinton angered some agents, defends ComeyNew Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe acknowledged for the first time in public testimony Thursday that some agents were angry with the 2016 decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton – while also defending ousted Director James Comey’s overall standing at the bureau.“I think morale’s always been good, but there were folks within our agency that were frustrated with the outcome of the Hillary Clinton case and some of those folks were very vocal about those concerns,” McCabe testified.McCabe stepped into the role of acting director Wednesday after Trump dismissed Comey, purportedly over his conduct during the 2016 probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state. Comey announced at a press conference last July that, despite concluding Clinton had been “extremely careless” in the handling of classified material, he would not recommend prosecution.McCabe’s comments at the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing mark the first public recognition from the FBI that some agents were angry at the decision not to prosecute.

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Tags: FBI, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, James Comey