Wendy Davis is Raising Money to Train students to “storm the Texas Capitol”

Failed Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis is raising money for her organization, Deeds Not Words, to train “high school and college-aged students to storm the Texas Capitol and advocate for legislative change”.

A recent fundraising email boasted of over 300 youngsters trained at the Ann Richards School to disrupt the Texas Capitol.

Deeds Not Words is as neo-feminist and social justicey as they come. They’ve got issues, you see.

They’re the #changemakers:

There’s so much that needs to change—and so much red tape to navigate – it’s hard to know where to start. Believe us, we’ve been there. That’s why we, a group of passionate people led by Wendy Davis, created Deeds Not Words.Deeds Not Words is your starting point for turning ideas about women’s equality into action. We’ll provide the tools you need to make changes in your community – like sample letters for legislators, toolkits, and a community where you can share stories and get advice.Join us. Because we’re the #ChangeMakers.

If you’re curious about the kinds of deeds Davis’ crew pursues, here’s yesterday’s “deed of the day”.

Boycotting energy drinks and pitching temper tantrums in the state house is sure to bring about all kinds of change. But hey, if that’s what Texas progressives want to spend their time and money doing, more power to them. At least we can be sure they won’t be doing anything effective.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Texas, Wendy Davis