Trump Turns to Federal Overreach in Education

President Trump has signed an executive order to give Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos permission to start the process of moving education back to the local level.

The New York Times reported:

The order requires Betsy DeVos, Mr. Trump’s education secretary, to review, modify and possibly repeal any regulations and guidelines that are not consistent with federal law.Mr. Trump described the order as “another critical step to restoring local control,” and one that fulfills one of his campaign promises.“For too long, the federal government has imposed its will on state and local governments,” Mr. Trump said at a news conference to sign the order. “The result has been education that spends more, and achieves far, far, far less.”

DeVos has 300 days to review “education regulations on grades K-12 proposed and enacted by former President Barack Obama.” She will then “produce a report that details which actions she believes overreached.”

She will have to review the Every Student Succeeds Act and Common Core. Obama received a lot of criticism over Common Core after parents noticed the outrageous homework assignments for their children. Parents across the country have formed numerous groups on Facebook in order to expose the outrageous standards and try to repeal the program from their states.

A few have embraced this move. From The Washington Post:

Trump’s order brings “welcome attention to a much-overlooked problem of behavior that has festered through all administrations,” said Jeanne Allen, a veteran of the Reagan administration who runs the D.C.-based Center for Education Reform, which advocates for vouchers, charter schools and other forms of choice.Allen said she’s hopeful that DeVos will get rid of the department’s guidance to schools on a variety of issues. The secretary could do that without an executive order and without involvement from Congress, as she did in February when she withdrew controversial guidance to schools on accommodating transgender students.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) applauded Trump’s decision because “the federal government had in recent years exceeded its legal authority in creating regulations and guidance.”

Tags: Betsy Devos, Trump Education