Students at Harvard Told That Gender Can Change ‘Day by Day’

Do you think the senior staff at Harvard Medical School would agree with this?

Campus Reform reports:

Harvard tells students gender can ‘change from day to day’The office of BGLTQ Student Life at Harvard University has released a new school-sponsored guide telling students to “fight transphobia” and “get the facts about gender diversity.”The guide, which was distributed to students on campus, declares that “there are more than two sexes” and that “gender is fluid and changing,” adding that someone’s gender identity “can be affirmed and/or expressed in many ways,” and can even “change from day to day.”“Sex assigned at birth and gender identity are not necessarily the same,” the flyer begins, elaborating that anatomical characteristics may not always align with “gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, and/or how one is perceived in daily life.”It then segues into the claim that “there are more than two sexes,” but this time focuses on biological considerations, citing a post by the Organization Intersex International (OII) asserting that “at least 2% of people” are born with some combination of male and female genitalia, hormones, or chromosomes.

Tags: College Insurrection, Harvard, Transgender