Student With Pro-Trump Sign Gets Removed From Campus Event

Can you imagine anything like this happening in the age of Obama? Of course not.PJ Media reports:

Student Removed From Campus Event for Bringing Pro-Trump SignPeople commit to pushing the limits of human ability in some strange, extremely specialized endeavors. For example, someone holds the world record for “Most Weight Lifted With Eye Socket,” and “Most Toilet Seats Broken With Head.”Oklahoma University just decided to set a couple of world records, and their choices weren’t all that bizarre, considering. But what really made these particular attempts stand out, however, is how one student was treated when he attempted to enter the stadium hosting the event with … a pro-Trump sign:

Levi Kell had left the stadium by the time students “set the world record for largest human image of a cloud and largest human image of a lightning bolt,” on March 27, Fox News host Todd Starnes reports.From the article:But civil engineering major Levi Kell was not among the students who set the world record inside the university’s football stadium. That’s because Levi was escorted from the premises after he refused to turn over a homemade poster supporting President Trump.Levi’s sign read, “Trump is our president.” The letters “OU” were colored in Sooner red.An unnamed woman stopped him and told Levi he would not be allowed to enter the stadium with the sign.

Tags: College Insurrection, Donald Trump