Student Threatened by University Employee Over Pro-Trump Window Sign

Pro-Trump students should start posting signs, wearing shirts, and more whenever possible. Expose all the real campus fascists for who they are. This incident happened at the University of South Alabama.

Campus Reform reports:

School employee tried to threaten student over Trump signThe University of South Alabama is reminding staff to respect First Amendment rights after a student was threatened with disciplinary action for refusing to remove a Trump sign from his dorm window.According to an email exchange obtained by Campus Reform, Community Director Dylan Lloyd had requested that student William David Meredith remove a Trump sign from his dorm-room window, stating that it “is against university policy for political signs to be posted in windows, including residence halls.”“I am asking that you remove the sign within 24 hours. I have included your RA, Tiffany, on this email so that she can check to ensure it is gone within 24 hours,” Lloyd continued, to which Meredith replied by simply stating: “1st Amendment.”Although Lloyd acknowledged that Meredith does “have the 1st Amendment right,” he also argued that Meredith lives “in a federal building that cannot support political candidates,” and “therefore the sign must be removed.”Meredith responded by inquiring as to whether “the name of the president and vice president cannot be posted on federal buildings,” and refused to remove the sign from his window.“The sign in your window is a political sign that shows support for a political candidate,” Lloyd rebutted, threatening that “if it is not removed within 24 hours then this will turn into a judicial case and [Meredith] will have to meet with [him] to discuss breaking policy.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Donald Trump