Prof Who Said ‘Trump must hang’ Reportedly Under FBI Investigation

This is great. The professor deserves to be investigated over this. Anyone else would be.

The Fresno Bee reports:

Fresno State says FBI, Secret Service probing professor’s tweets about President TrumpFresno State President Joseph Castro said Wednesday that he and his staff will continue to cooperate with federal investigators in their probe of a German-born history professor who ignited a firestorm when he said on Twitter that President Donald Trump must hang to save democracy.In a conference call with reporters, Castro said has been in frequent contact with the FBI, Secret Service and Homeland Security since last Saturday when professor Lars Maischak made national headlines after a report surfaced that he had tweeted “to save American democracy, Trump must hang. The sooner and the higher, the better.”On Wednesday, Maischak apologized for his actions in a written statement given to The Bee. In addition, Maischak said that he has deleted his Twitter account and is “prepared to take full responsibility for my statements.”Castro said he appreciated Maischak’s apology, calling it “a first good step” in calming the critics who want him fired, deported or killed. The president said he is not ready to judge Maischak because the university is in the initial stages of its investigation. But Castro also pointed out that he and Fresno State value a person’s right to free speech and a professor’s right to academic freedom. “We want a free exchange of differing views,” Castro said.That being said, Castro told reporters that the university’s main goal is to ensure the safety of students and to that they receive a quality education.“We will continue to educate our future leaders,” Castro said. “But I want folks to know that we will do the right thing.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Donald Trump