Northern Arizona U. Students Demand President’s Resignation Because She Rejects Safe Spaces

Here’s hoping that NAU President Rita Cheng is sitting in her office and laughing at these students.

Campus Reform has the story:

NAU prez rejects ‘safe spaces,’ students demand resignationStudents at Northern Arizona University are demanding their president step down because she refused to endorse safe spaces at a recent forum.During the forum, one student asked President Rita Cheng how she could support safe spaces when she doesn’t “take action in situations of injustice,” citing an incident the previous week “when we had the preacher on campus and he was promoting hate speech against marginalized students.”Cheng corrected the student, explaining that she doesn’t support safe spaces at all, according to KPNX.“As a university professor, I’m not sure I have any support at all for safe space,” Cheng asserted. “I think that you as a student have to develop the skills to be successful in this world and that we need to provide you with the opportunity for discourse and debate and dialogue and academic inquiry, and I’m not sure that that is correlated with the notion of safe space as I’ve seen that.”The NAU Student Action Coalition was infuriated by Cheng’s response, leading its members in a walkout from the meeting and demanding that Cheng be removed from her position.The group also released a statement last week claiming that Cheng’s “resignation is necessary” because her forum answers were “insufficient,” describing the forum as a major part of what students pay tuition to experience.

Tags: College Insurrection