New UC Santa Cruz Course on Trump is Exactly What You’d Expect

The course is essentially a study in every accusation “the resistance” has offered.

Campus Reform reports:

Prof tries to keep anti-Trump course secret, fearing backlashA new course at the University of California, Santa Cruz examines the rise of Donald Trump in the context of white supremacy, patriarchy, and Islamophobia.“Social Justice, Institutions, & Power: Origins of Trumpism” is a new 5-unit course being taught this spring by graduate student Bob Majzler. The course fulfills the university’s “American History & Institutions” general education requirement, and currently has 17 enrollees.The class will analyze the the rise of Trump through “power structures such as capitalism, media, white supremacy, militarism, patriarchy, Islamophobia, and two-party politics” and will also teach students about “oppositional liberation movements.”Majzler recently spoke about the course with KION 5/46, a local CBS affiliate, but was only willing to comment anonymously because he says he fears that teaching a course critical of Trump could elicit a negative reaction in the current tense political climate.He reportedly went on to describe the class as a safe place for students to express their feelings about Trump, explaining that this requires keeping a low profile so as not to provoke controversy.Some UCSC students praised the class, arguing that it will help student with “life decisions” and allow them to be “educated about the issues.”

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, College Insurrection