Harvard Poll Suggests Millennials Like Many of Trump’s Policies

They don’t like the man himself but it’s a different story on policy.

The College Fix reports:

Millennials dislike Trump, but like a lot of his policies: Harvard pollOn its face, a new poll indicates millennials deeply disapprove of President Donald Trump. However, further analysis of the survey shows there’s more common ground than the job performance figures suggest.The Institute of Politics at Harvard University spring survey, released Tuesday, found only 32 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds approve of Trump’s performance and 41 percent of respondents give Trump a letter grade of “F” through his first 100 days in office.But when asked about major planks of Trump’s agenda, millennials issued broad support for the president’s trade policies and law enforcement priorities.For instance, 60 percent said “cracking down on countries’ illegal and unfair trade practices that hurt American workers” would make America better. Only 13 percent said it would make the country worse. Support on the issue comes from both sides of aisle, said John Della Volpe, polling director at Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics.“In fact, we found 50 percent of Democrats actually believe that this makes America better,” he said. “And we found that 37 percent of the same group of 18- to 29-year-olds believe that this policy would have a positive impact on them and their family. Only 14 percent indicated that would have a negative impact.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Donald Trump, Harvard