Column: Will Fascism Come to America Through Our Universities?

Roger Simon of PJ Media has written a new column about the recent events on college campuses which is worth reading.

Here’s an excerpt:

Will Fascism Come to America through Its Colleges and Universities?If fascism comes to America, it will be through our college and university system.The biggest cowards in our country today are many, if not most, of our college and university administrators followed closely by a fair amount of their faculty. They are allowing their institutions to be taken over by a monolithic world view that is increasingly totalitarian and antithetical to the diversity of opinion on which the search for truth depends.The inmates are running the asylum — and not with any of the humor of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. It’s only a slight exaggeration to say that Social Justice Warriors are to social justice what the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea is to democracy. In a few years, freshman handbooks may no longer be necessary. They can give out copies of Orwell’s Animal Farm instead.And I’m not just talking about recent events at UC Berkeley, where the onetime bastion of the free speech movement has turned into ground zero for the anti-speech movement, spearheaded by the violent masked goons of the absurdly named “antifa,” speaking of Orwellian constructs. This restrictive attitude toward viewpoint diversity is pervasive throughout our colleges and universities, even though the freedom of speech enshrined in the First Amendment is arguably the most important of all principles on which this country was founded. Yet only a tiny minority of those responsible for our higher education have the courage to defend it. Most are so timid they won’t even lend their name to a petition.

Tags: Antifa, College Insurrection