CNN's Brooke Baldwin Gets Schooled By 2013 Syrian Gas Attack Survivor
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CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Gets Schooled By 2013 Syrian Gas Attack Survivor

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Gets Schooled By 2013 Syrian Gas Attack Survivor

“I didn’t see you raising your voice against President Obama’s inaction in Syria that left us refugees”

A Syrian survivor of the 2013 gas attack—in response to which Obama ignored his own red line—calls out Hillary Clinton. Brooke Baldwin, and the left for their rampant hypocrisy regarding Syria and refugees.

PJ Media reports:

CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin had a chemical attack survivor on her show Friday to discuss the Syrian regime’s sarin gas attack on civilians in Khan Sheikhoun and President Trump’s subsequent military response. To say Baldwin’s transparent attempt to coax an anti-Trump soundbite from Kassem Eid — who now lives in Germany — wildly backfired is an understatement.

Kassem said he cried with joy when he heard that the United States had bombed the Syrian airbase. “I thanked God. I was overwhelmed,” he said.

. . . . [Baldwin] then queued up a clip of none other than Hillary Clinton weighing in on Trump’s dastardly travel ban at an event earlier this year: “We cannot speak of protecting Syria’s babies, and in the next breath close America’s doors to them,” Clinton intoned.

“Quickly Kassem, how do you see that?” Baldwin asked, hoping for a big anti-Trump soundbite to ensue.

A soundbite ensued, alright. Kassem proceeded to tear into bleeding-heart liberals like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for being more concerned with sending Syrians hither and thither than actually helping them in their own country.

“With all due respect, with all due respect,” Kassem began. “I didn’t see each and every person who was demonstrating after the travel ban…. I didn’t see you three days ago when people were gassed to death….I didn’t see you in 2013 when 1,400 people were gassed to death. I didn’t see you raising your voice against President Obama’s inaction in Syria that left us refugees,” he said, completely deflating her expectations.

“If you really care about refugees, if you really care about helping us, please — help us stay here in our country,” he continued. “We don’t want to come to the United States. We want to stay in our country. We want to stay in our country,” he repeated.  “With all due respect, this is hypocrisy. If you really care, if you really care…help us stay in our country. We don’t want to become refugees. We want to stay in our country. Help us establish safe zones, he pleaded.

“I understand,” Baldwin said, looking down. She really wanted to end the interview at this point.  [emphasis in original]

And he didn’t stop there.  He goes on to issue a heartfelt message of gratitude to President Trump.

“Help us stay safe in our country,” Kassem repeated again. He went on to address the president personally: “And if you’ll just give me a few seconds just to tell President Trump, once again. Please sir, what you did was amazing. What you did was a powerful message of hope for a lot of people inside and outside of Syria. Please don’t stop on this. Please. Help Syrians stay in their country! Please take out Assad’s air forces so they won’t be able to commit more atrocities using traditional weapons,” Kassem said. “500,000 people were killed with traditional weapons — just so people can know what we’ve suffered in the past six years.”



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Walker Evans | April 9, 2017 at 5:20 pm

Pelosi and Friends publicly supporting the missile attack was good politics if nothing else; we can expect the “Yes, but …” comments to start soon. On the other hand, hearing this nearly tearful expression of thanks from a Syrian tells us more than all of the verbiage coming from the DC NeverTrump people.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to Walker Evans. | April 9, 2017 at 5:33 pm

    Oh, it’s already started. They have been pushing the “it was a failed attack because the airbase wasn’t completely destroyed” all weekend.

Gremlin1974 | April 9, 2017 at 5:32 pm

“If you really care about refugees, if you really care about helping us, please — help us stay here in our country,” he continued.” he continued. “We don’t want to come to the United States. We want to stay in our country. We want to stay in our country,” he repeated. “With all due respect, this is hypocrisy. If you really care, if you really care…help us stay in our country. We don’t want to become refugees. We want to stay in our country. Help us establish safe zones, he pleaded.”

If there is a regime change in Syria they need to give this young man a high up place in it. He is obviously bright and seems to have a good handle on things.

“With all due respect…” Why am I hearing that in the voice of a Southern belle: “Well, bless your heart!”

3 minutes to destroy a media meme that has been pushed for years.

Brooke looked like she just swallowed a spider throughout that whole thing.

The left has already declared the attack a failure because the runways haven’t been turned in to 100 foot deep craters but if course lefties conveniently ignore the fact destroyed aircraft can’t use undamaged runways.

And that should be the point, destroy the delivery mechanisms that make gas attacks possible!!



I don’t understand why anyone pays for cable.

As it sits now, the only time I see CNN is in airport departure lounges. And I consider it all B&&&*hit.

buckeyeminuteman | April 10, 2017 at 7:57 am

Runways are the easiest things to repair on an airbase. Taking out the POL facilities, ammo storage, hangars and actual aircraft are far more important targets.

    A man after d mine own heart.

    Coral islands grow their own repair materials. God love the Seabees. The Japanase never developed a force like them. But fixing a South Pacific island air strip didn’t take much. Halsey’s early raids felt good but that was about it,

    Until now, 2017, saying you’re attempting to cripple an air force by cratering an air field remains laughable.

    Just because I love the Kiwis.

    “Video: New Zealand soldiers perform Haka for fallen comrades in Afghanistan”

    Never forget.

This is just more evidence not of how biased CNN is, but how incompetent: they didn’t even vet their own guest to ensure he was going to say what they wanted.

Obama took his cue from the French, who suppressed news about all the carbeques on Friday nights in Paris. Their idea was that, with no attention (and no enforcement of French laws) the criminals would lose interest.

Swedish authorities tried this too, hiding their crime statistics, which plainly show a crime wave accompanying the influx of foreigners from failed states.

And the Germans and Brits have their law that make it a crime to mention the source of so many outlandish crimes in their jurisdictions.

What I would like to know is, how did Obama succeed in suppressing stories about the repeated gassing of civilians in Syria, allegedly by the Assad regime? This gave him, John F’n Kerry and Susan Rice free rein to lie to Americans, claiming a triumph of Obama diplomacy because the chemical weapons were gone.

How did this happen, in America?

The refugee crises were the solution, not the problem. It’s part of the Left’s CAIR (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform) policy, for purposes of labor arbitrage, Democratic leverage, cover-up of collateral damage from elective conflicts, redistributive change, and selective-child (i.e. Pro-Choice) compensation.