Arizona State Prof Allows Class to Hold Anti-Trump Protest Instead of Final Exam

We really need to start tracking and punishing schools that do this crap, especially if they get tax dollars.

The College Fix reports:

Arizona State U. prof allows class to hold anti-Trump protest instead of taking final examArizona State University Professor Angeles Maldonado gave her class a choice last week: Take the final exam in her “Global Politics of Human Rights” class, or come up with a group project in its stead.As just about any college class would do, they opted for the latter.And … what better “project” to undertake than a protest of President Trump’s policies!“The class decided that as a group project they wanted to make their voices heard about the issues that are affecting them today, so instead of just reading about the human-rights violations, they’d speak out about the current violations that are happening,” Maldonado said, according to The Arizona Republic.The “rigor” of this project entailed students standing shoulder-to-shoulder near the ASU library and holding up letters which formed the phrase “Wall Against Hate!”

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, College Insurrection