VIDEO: Students Hate Betsy DeVos but Agree With Her Policies
“I think she’s grossly unqualified”

In the video below, college students are asked for their thoughts on President Trump’s Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Their responses sound like they came right off a Democratic Party memo: “DeVos isn’t qualified for the position!” and “Anyone but her would have been a better choice!” and “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about!”
Then the interviewer asks the same students for their thoughts on policies like school choice and vouchers for low income families – policies embraced by DeVos – and the students agree with them.
Hypeline News produced this report:
WATCH: Betsy DeVos haters support her policies
Hypeline News staff asked college students what they thought of Secretary DeVos.
“I think she’s grossly unqualified,” said one college student.
“I wonder what Betsy DeVos is up to? Probably destroying the education system of America, I think that’s what’s going on.” said another.
“She’s a horrible candidate, I don’t know why she got elected.” (Spoiler alert: She wasn’t elected, she was confirmed by the Senate.)
While some people may not like her for “lack of experience”, when asked if they support things like school choice, which the Secretary has and is currently advocating for, almost all are supportive of such measures.
The video is actually fun to watch, fans of Watters’ World will know what I mean:
Of course, the real reason Democrats fear DeVos is because her advocacy of school choice threatens public school teacher unions which are long time allies of the Democratic Party. School choice gives power to parents and kids.
People are beginning to understand that. The following AP report even appeared in the Seattle Times this week:
DeVos promotes school choice, local control
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Monday sought to convince public school leaders that school choice and local control are important in education.
Speaking to members of The Council of the Great City Schools, a group of the nation’s largest urban school districts, DeVos stressed that parents, not Washington politicians, should be making choices about their children’s education.
“Parents know better than any politician or administrator the unique needs of each of their children,” DeVos said. “Time and again, when parents are empowered to take charge of their children’s education, when they have quality options we see the results for students. For me this is just common sense.”
Featured image via YouTube.

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“She’s a horrible candidate, I don’t know why she got elected.”
This from the mouth of someone old enough to vote that claims DeVos is “unqualified”
Well, that’s rich. I daresay the vast majority of college students these days are “grossly unqualified” and don’t know what they’re talking about. People in glass houses….
The utterly blank and vacuous looks on their faces … priceless.
Yeah – today we can expect the average 18 year old to have the same level of understanding on any serious issue as the average 6 year old. Except 6 year olds are a lot cuter.
More validation of the term useful idiots. From their cocoons in academia they reflexively rebuke anyone not a Democrat but have no idea why. In this case it’s not due to policies.
Wow, dumb and dumber. When they couldn’t devise a coherent response to her position on vouchers, priceless. I also burst out laughing at the pink-haired girl thinking, as she was going to sleep, about deVos’ positions on education.
Betsy Devos “Time and again, when parents are empowered to take charge of their children’s education, when they have quality options we see the results for students. For me this is just common sense.”
She just lost all hope at converting the liberal base when she used the term “common sense”. Who does she think she is by forcing common sense on liberals?
You have to wonder at the stupidity of these young people. Not just in the fact that they are uninformed, and determined to stay that way, but in the way they answer questions on camera knowing that many, all too many, students have shown their absolute idiocy in video clips before. WTH is wrong with them?
Dunning-Kruger effect. Stupid people are too stupid to realize how stupid they are, basically, so they advertise it to all.
We’re seeing the political indoctrination in action right here. No way any of these students would have even have known who the Education Secretary was if it wasn’t for a campaign to smear her from political opponents.