Melania Trump’s Approval Ratings Go Up

The approval ratings have continued to rise for First Lady Melania Trump as more people get to know her and she emerges at more events. A recent poll showed the ratings have gone up 16 points:

About 52% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Melania Trump, an increase from 36% pre-inauguration. In February 2016, the former model’s favorable rating was a paltry 24%, her unfavorable was 31% and 23% had never even heard of her. Now, just 3% say they don’t know who the first lady is, and her unfavorable rate has held steady at 32%.Some of the recent uptick in favorable results are due to those undecided Americans, or those who had yet to form an opinion. Pre-inauguration, 23% had no opinion about the first lady, compared with 12% now.The results fall along party lines; 86% of Republicans view the first lady favorably, while just 22% of Democrats feel the same. That margin is a lot wider for Melania Trump than it was for Michelle Obama, who in April 2009 had a favorable rating of 93% among Democrats and 50% among Republicans. When Hillary Clinton was first lady in 1994, 34% of Republicans viewed her favorably, compared with 85% of Democrats, numbers more comparable to Trump’s.Another interesting note on Melania Trump’s new poll numbers: men have a more favorable view of her than women. Fifty-eight percent of men view her positively, and 46% of women. Michelle Obama’s numbers in that category were dramatically flip-flopped with 78% women and 68% men. Laura Bush was split fairly evenly between the two, 56% women, 55% men.Additionally, it appears the majority of college-educated women are not on board with Melania Trump. Just 46% of women with degrees view her favorably, 34% unfavorably, while women without degrees have a 55% favorability, and 28% unfavorable. Her favorable rating jumps among men without degrees—72%. For those men with degrees, that number stands at 62%.

Tags: Culture, Melania Trump